

Archive for the ‘Not applicable’ Category

Reflection on Program

Hello friend,
please write a 3 pages reflection on this program: Executive MPA: Below is the link routes  to the home page:


My concentration is Management Innovation
The courses I've taken are Operations Management, Decision Models, Communicating in Organizations and Strategic Management of Information & Communications Technologies for the Public Good.

Write about what I've learned from this program and the core courses I've taken. Please write it in a personal aspect, not too official. Thank you!

Please let me know if you have any question. Thank you!


In the play, Sunny states "I want to be a living memorial." Do you believe that The Exonerated serves as a living memorial to those most affected by the play's content? Provide two examples from the play to support your opinion.

RLGN 360 Forum 3 (Module 6)

One of the positive benefits of collaborative learning activities is that they provide learners the opportunity to interact and engage with their classmates. In many cases, the insights of peers can provide a new or different perspective. For this weeks discussion board, you will be asked to post the outline of the lesson that you plan to use for your final teaching presentation. Then, you will explain why this lesson was chosen and how you plan to finalize the lesson before submitting it.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please provide a statement of approximately 500 words describing your worldview and the resulting implications for education, teaching and learning.A worldview is a person's fundamental perspective on life and living. It answers the deeper questions of life such as: Why is there a universe and what is the meaning of life? A person's worldview is a basic framework, which guides one's thoughts day by day and guides one's actions in all areas of life. It can be thought of as a life philosophy. As such, one's worldview will influence what one considers to be the purpose of education, the approach to teaching and learning and therefore, the reason why one may choose to attend a Christian university.

strategic management question

Six question. anwserwing in 2 -3 sentences.

What distinguishes a blue ocean strategy from a red ocean strategy?

Explain how market segmentation analysis influences the selection of the 4 Ps of marketing.

What is a vertical integration strategy, and when would it be considered?

Explain how Porters five competitive forces determine an industrys profit potential.

What are key competences and why might companies end up under-investing in them?

When a financial analyst claims that a companys culture if not healthy, what is he/she referring to?

Chapter summary

This assignment consists of two parts
Part 1:
Chapter review for chapters 9-13 I will include link to the textbook
Each summary should be 300 words totaling 1500 words, please indicate where each chapter starts and finishes
So all that needs to be done is Chapter 9 (300 words), Chapter 10 (300 words), Chapter 11 (300 words), Chapter 12 (300 words), and Chapter 13 (300 words). So a 300 word summary for each chapter.
Part 2: Please label this under video assignment I will attach the link to the video please just copy and paste it. Here are the instructions:
You have to explain the best way to deal with our anger and then give an example of how to handle it. Please mention his steps
Listen to how Dr. Rosenberg recommends handling our anger.
Then explain how to best deal with our anger--150 words
Give an example of how to handle our anger according to Dr. Rosenberg's view.  Make sure you mention his steps
LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izvJfBoeZ

Business plan for a U.S. based Design, Build, Develop. Real-estate company.

The business  plan required will be used to raise funds for the business.
The 20 page limit is only a place holder  what ever it takes to develop a complete business plan.

the New business - Argyll Group, LLC - is a start up version of the following companies ;
below are the websites to a couple of successful Single Tenant Net Lease Developers








The individual are all former employees of the above mentioned companies.

Statement of Intent

Statement of Intent for university application
- two pages double spaced, type written statement discussing my academic and/or research background, my career goals, my personal philosophy, and how the following University's program will help me meet my career goals and educational perspective.

I will provide all the information needed to be included in the paper, just put it into works and proper sentencing for me.
We can work together during the writing process.
I am not a good writer so I just need someone to put my thoughts onto paper for me.

Needed to be complete as soon as possible


For this weekly check-in, read the sixth chapter, “Free Will” on pp. 47-58 in your book What Does It All Mean by Thomas Nagel. After discussing the choice between the peach and the chocolate cake, Nagel says:

So perhaps the feeling that you could have chosen a peach instead of a piece of cake is a philosophical illusion, and couldn't be right whatever was the case. To avoid this conclusion, you would have to explain (a) what you mean if you say you could have done something other than what you did, and (b) what you and the world would have to be like for this to be true.

For your original thread, explain how you understand the difference between free will and determinism. Next, discuss whether you believe humans have free will. If you think we do, how do you understand us and the world around us such that free choice exists? If you think we do not, are you convinced that free choice is simply an illusion? How does your worldview support that belief?

For this weekly check-in, read the fifth chapter, “The Meaning of Words,” on pp. 38-46 in your book What Does It All Mean? by Thomas Nagel.

At the end of this chapter, Nagel says:

The problem is to explain how this is possible: How does anything we say or write mean anything -- including all the words in this book?

For your original thread, do your best to answer his question. What does "meaning" amount to? How is language "connected to" reality? How do words represent the things they refer to? If you are not sure at this point, think back to what you must have assumed about meaning before you read this chapter. How do you think you would have defined "meaning" if you had been asked to do so then?