

Archive for the ‘Not applicable’ Category

Ethical Theory

As technology advances, society faces new challenges as the ability to artificially prolong life creates new ethical issues. You and your peers will discuss some of these issues and discuss what rights people have or should have when it comes to ending their lives and how these choices impact society.

Answer the following
1. Consider the practice of physician-assisted suicide. Explain why you feel this practice is ethical (or not) and why. If you believe it is, explain what requirements should be met before such a request be granted (age, terminal diagnosis, level of pain, etc.).


*** I have provide the outline, the only thing that needs to be is talking about it **

FYI This is from the professor ****I wanted to make sure that you understand that the 250 minimum word count is for your answer to why you have chosen the specific lesson and how you are planning on finalizing your preparation for teaching this lesson. The lesson outline itself does not factor into your overall word count. Please make sure that you have posted 250 words for your thread or I will have to deduct points off for this. If you have already posted your thread and you need to add more, just reply to yourself and add the additional thoughts. Thanks.((((

One of the positive benefits of collaborative learning activities is that they provide learners the opportunity to interact and engage with their classmates. In many cases, the insights of peers can provide a new or different perspective. For this weeks discussion board, you will be asked to post the outline of the lesson tha

American Popular Music

1. Please provide a very thorough and very detailed summary overview of American Popular music.
Create a narrative that successfully addresses the salient elements of this genre of music, one that represents what you believe to be important aspects of AMERICAN POPULAR MUSIC. Please include in your essay significant singers, songwriters, instrumentalists, practices and events that you believe assisted in shaping American popular music

2.  rap music is now over forty years old, older than rock music was when rap emerged. We are overdue for the coming thing .What do you believe is the future of Folk, Popular AND Concert music? Please be thoughtful. YOU MUST ADDRESS ALL THREE .


Western music is defined by music deriving from the western hemisphere, to include the Americas, portions of Europe, Africa, and the extreme eastern portion of Russia

Baroque Period

Please provide a very thorough and very delailed summary overview of the Baroque period.
Createa narrative that successfully addresses the salient elements of this period, both culturally and musically. Please include in your discussion significant composers.


Reflect on your progress by answering the following prompts: Evaluate: Were you able to make any improvements or chip away at your goal? Why or why not? Explain: What worked for you? What didnt work? Why? Reflect: What would you do differently nex

I want to be a real estate agent. Ive said Im gonna story real estate books to become one.weve focused on smart goals. So write like your me trying to focus on your goal of becoming a real estate agent and what Ive been doing to get there throughout my first semester of college 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A number of the films that we have watched this term have focused on personal action, such as adopting a largely plant-based diet or becoming a minimalist, as a way of addressing the climate crisis. This week we will approach this as a political issue by considering the most sweeping legislation ever proposed in the U.S. to address the climate crisis: the Green New Deal.
Although Joe Bidens climate proposals differ from the Green New Deal, it is still important to consider just what sort of actions would be required to mitigate the climate crisis as well as to consider the political resistance that this proposal received.
Please watch The Green New Deal, explained, and Why you still dont understand the Green New Deal, which are both short VOX videos, as well as A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. All are on YouTube.
Write a comment about those videos.

Intercultural communication and health care

1)Read these two articles and respond.
  a. https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/pain-and-ethnicity/2013-05
  b. https://www.pnas.org/content/113/16/4296
  You can also read this (https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/08/14/magazine/racial-
  differences-doctors.html ) for more historical context. How can you connect what you've learn
  this week to these articles? What are some broader implications of these studies?

2) https://www-sciencedirectcom.ezproxy.library.skagit.edu/science/article/pii/S0260691717302629
    If you have time please read the entire article please do so, otherwise be sure to read the
    introduction, literature review, and discussion. Answer these questions: What was the
    hypothesis? What was the result? What could this mean for you in your field (or if you don't have
    one yet, your life in general)? How does this connect with what you'v

Why is this “This I Believe”

Please read the essay below, and answer one simple question: Why is this "This I Believe" essay successful? 

Please produce a thoughtful 400-word (minimum) reply. In your response, be clear about what elements you used to define the success/lack of success for this piece of writing. Since this is an informal response for an essay written in the first person, feel free to use I.


Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a one page (double spaced) summary paper on 5 different videos for a total of 5 pages. Attached is a link to each video.

1. https://youtu.be/FUCxWMtK9CY (only part 2)
2. https://youtu.be/NRoD3g-r3-I - Extinction
3.https://youtu.be/MfKKbPHlPuw?list=PL6aq1PBlrtR5rZXiqpdd1x5blv1pyAZmi - What About God
4.https://archive.org/details/TheHumanFamilyTree-2009 - part 1 only
5. is attached Secrets of the dead III 2


Write an informative paragraph about: "Discuss what is common knowledge information about the challenges of being a teen during the pandemic"
Use these link for evidences:( evidences have to be from one  of these sources below)
- https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/28/parenting/teens-stress-lonely-coronavirus.html
- https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/thriving-teens/202009/teens-experiences-in-the-age-covid-19
- https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/03/learning/what-do-you-want-your-parents-to-know-about-what-its-like-to-be-a-teenager-during-the-pandemic.html

- Structure of paragraph: topic sentence (main idea)---> evidence ----> reasoning----> transition (conclusion)