

Archive for the ‘APA (edition “APA 6”)’ Category

Cyber security Incident Response

Title: A concise statement of Cyber security incident response in the nuclear industry.

Abstract: An "executive overview" of the paper. It should be a 50- to 100-word summary that would be appropriate to give management so that they would know the essence of the project without reading the paper in its entirety.

Table of Contents: In this section, list each section of the paper, with the page number. The list should include:
Tables and figures if more than two included
Appendices, if included

Bibliography or reference section listing sources used and including links to online content

Introduction: In this section, state the purpose of the paper in succinct, declarative sentences (Cybersecurity incidence response within the nuclear industry) . Convince the reader that the study will have a practical value and meaning, and the study will be based upon cyber security incident response concepts, but also will demonstrate the analytical, evaluative, practic

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Final Exam:
You will write an essay interrogating the impact of AI, Geoengineering, the challenge of technology and / or the ontology of the virtual on peoples perception of the post-Covid19 world which has seen an acceleration in digital transformations across diverse sectors of industry and geographies. 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Unit VI Annotated Bibliography
Compose an annotated bibliography (use the working bibliography format as found on pages 5860 in The Curious
Researcher: A Guide to Writing Research Papers and on pages 373375 in The Little, Brown Compact Handbook) using
the sources you have found for your research paper. Remember to cite your sources using APA format.
You are only required to include two of your sources in the annotated bibliography. Your annotations should be at least 200
words per source.

Elon Musk

Compose an annotated bibliography (use the working bibliography format as found on pages 5860 in The Curious
Researcher: A Guide to Writing Research Papers and on pages 373375 in The Little, Brown Compact Handbook) using
the sources you have found for your research paper. Remember to cite your sources using APA format.
You are only required to include two of your sources in the annotated bibliography. Your annotations should be at least 200
words per source.

Coursework 2

The report length is 3500 words. When counting your words, please exclude the text in figures, tables, Section 1 (Title Page and Table of Contents) and Section 7 (References). The word count must be included in the Title Page.

This assessment uses the work undertaken in Coursework 1 as its foundation. This time however, you must take the opportunity to demonstrate your learning from all OR many of the units of the module to present a case study that shows how theory can be useful in appraising activities and performance of an organisation.

The formal learning outcomes that coursework 2 will contribute to are:

1.      Evaluate the role of an organisations internal capabilities and how these may be structured to attain competitive advantage.

2.      Appraise the role and scope of specific business functions and their contribution to an organisations success.

3.      Analyse and evaluate the significance o

Chomskys Critique of Capitalism as Unjust

The topic of this paper is to address how the critiques proposed by Chomsky (in the Price of Inequity) argue that resources ought to be distributed in a way that is more just than what libertarian capitalists propose. In your conclusion, reflectively discuss the greatest weakness and greatest strength of his arguments.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please complete this 900 words essay writing (discussion part) from the presentation scratch. The original assessment is a group report, and my teammates have finished their parts. Therefore, dear writer, what you need to do is to summarize the literature review on my part - discussion section of the presentation (last 6 slides). Please kindly see the powerpoint slides for your reference.
Additionally, from my professors feedback on the presentation, we are encouraged to dedicating more words for the implications of practice (i.e., CBT treatment strategies for single parenthood & community/neighborhood related parental monitoring). The relevant references are asserted in those slide notes for your reference.

Literary Analysis

The topic I chose was HOME BY SILVIA SAUNDERS After selecting and reading the story, choose one of the following topics to analyze in a five-paragraph paper:

1. Characterize one of the characters from the story. Create a thesis that analyzes some attribute of the character. (Ex: Tom may seem like a cold, heartless killer, but a deeper look shows that he is really a scared little boy.) Choose three aspects of the character to use in the analysis. Each aspect must contribute to your attribute from your thesis.
2. Discuss the use of imagery in the story. Create a thesis that connects the images into a larger idea being portrayed in the story. (Ex: The animal imagery in the story clarifies to readers that world that seems so modern and technologically savvy is really more base and animalistic than it at first appears.) Make sure you have at least three images to support your thesis.
3. Discuss a theme of the story using three literary devices to validate the theme. (Ex: Fear


The 1930s have become almost a blueprint for how not do deal with an international crisis. The Great Depression crippled most major powers (including Germany, Britain, and France) and left its population susceptible to political extremism, as we saw last week. But we must also keep in mind that historical hindsight should not cloud our vision of this period. We must remember that Germany was not a pariah state before the Second World War. Not only had Germany made multiple international agreements (including the Dawes Plan and the Locarno Treaty in the 1920s), Nazi Germany was looked at as a rising power in the world and some saw it as a symbol for the future. As we saw last week with the former PM of Britain calling Hitler Germanys George Washington. This was also seen in the near-universal participation in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, the somewhat blas news coverage of the Nazi rise to power in 1933, and even the support of international figures like Charles Lindbergh.

We must

Cosmetic surgery in Korea

The assignment requires an analytical discussion rather than a
descriptive explanation.
Citations: APA style
Requirement: You MUST incorporate at least 3 academic papers and other sources such as
books, newspaper articles, blog posts, among others.
The Outline (The format below is suggestive. You can vary it as you like):
1. Orientate the reader
2. Identify the focus/purpose
3. Outline the scope
4. State the questions or issues observed
1. Supporting details
2. Analysis
3. Evidence
4. Concluding sentence
1. Summarize key points
2. Overall concluding statement