

Archive for the ‘Not applicable’ Category


If you have already completed your SONA research credits, you can ignore this assignment. It is only for those, per the syllabus, that have chosen the alternative to research studies for part or all of the research credit. The vast majority of you in this class will not need to turn anything in here.

This assignment is only for those students completing an alternative to research participation. If you are completing more than one paper, combine them into one document for submission, each paper starting at the top of a new page. Do not submit each of these as their own document, submit them as one document.

See the syllabus for more info, as well as the attached document - again, if you've already done all the credits you need in SONA, you can and should ignore this assignment.

Take note that this assignment is likely to be more difficult from a procedural standpoint if you are currently off campus. Journal access is tightly controlled by journal p

What Does It All Mean? by Thomas Nagel.

For this weekly check-in, read the third chapter, "Other Minds," on pp. 19-26 in your book What Does It All Mean? by Thomas Nagel.

At the end of this chapter, Nagel asks:

What can you really know about the conscious life in this world beyond the fact that you yourself have a conscious mind? Is it possible that there might be much less conscious life than you assume (none except yours), or much more (even in things you assume to be unconscious)?

For your original thread, discuss your answers to these questions in at least a paragraph. Can you know that there is conscious life other than your own? Could there be much less or much more conscious life than you assume?

Stoicism and Aristotle on Emotions

Instructions:  This will be an oral final exam.  You will meet me via Zoom at your chosen time (see schedule).  The exam will be 15 minutes total.  You will give an 8-10 minute presentation on one of the prompts below.  The remainder of the time you will be responding to questions I will ask you about your presentation. 

After the exam, send me a 3x5 note card with your name and thesis statement.  You may use notes for your presentation, but do not read it to me. 
Stoicism and Aristotle on Emotions:  Aristotle thinks that emotion is essential to being virtuous. The courageous person, for example, experiences fear in the right way towards the right things.  Only the reckless person has no fear.  Does the stoic agree with this?  Epictetus says that our emotions are up to us, but that we should not be upset by things that are not up to us.  Does this mean that the good stoic has no fear?&nb

Any topic (writer’s choice)

please insure mentioning every thing in HRM but pay attention to international practices related to staffing, development, compensation appraisal.


Critically evaluate the way that Human Resource Practices in terms of a) staffing, b) training and development, c) compensation and d) performance appraisal are affected when companies decide to internationalize! By doing so, please provide both UAE and international examples!

Trends and future directions of new media and its influence on society

Readings:  Castells Networking minds, creating meaning, contesting power
Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, ACRL.

Focused Reflection:  For this project, youre being asked to reflect on the following kind of questions as you articulate your experience/views on media influence: What are examples of activities individuals can apply to resist the influence of media? What are key ideas from thinkers examined in the course that resonated the most with your own views on media influence and why? How do you manage to hold onto values that are important to you personally, or in your view, socially, in the face of the unfolding of media influence? To what extent do you see yourself as an active participant within the current media trends? How do you feel when you think of the future of information technology and its new professional markets? How would you like to influence the development of your professional, relational, community, and/or so

MN585 W6 – UTI – Prostatitis

Using a recognized guideline, in your clinical rotation, select one male OR female patient age >64 years with recurrent urinary tract infection, or prostatitis (male) and compare the clinical course and treatment with the appropriate assessment and management guidelines and provide recommendations for care or note if care has been appropriate or has deviated from the standard of care.

1 page and 3 references

Topic: Recurrent UTI and Prostatitis
Using your patient review from your Unit 6 assignment, discuss the evidence-based guidelines you used to evaluate the diagnosis and management of your patient, and whether the approach was appropriate or in comparison to the diagnostic and management metrics in the guidelines.
Discuss alternatives to the approach that you think may have been completed differently and support your thesis with relevant sources. Also, describe the outcome goals whether they are a complete resolution or if this will become


Assignment OverviewUnit 4 - Classroom Workshop Participation
Deliverable Length: Substantive participation in and contributions to class discussions.
Assignment Details

Due to the large aging population in America, age discrimination is on the rise. At your company, the Board of Directors needs to cut costs, and one way to do this is by letting the older employees go and hiring graduates fresh out of college. As the head of the human resource department, you have been directed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to give a persuasive speech to the board of directors on why they should retain many of the older employees. Your intention is to mount a responsible argument that is both legally and socially in support of retaining the older employees.

For this assignment, complete the following:

Write a draft of your speech to the board. You need to address a minimum of 3 positive reasons why it is in the best interest o

Any topic (writer’s choice)

of the people who had helped her put together her proposals, she always dropped the name of a few powerful people in her acknowledgements. She seemed to know the important people in the company, and she came through with some impressive clients. The fact that she rarely followed through and dumped her work on the other groups and the brokers seemed to escape the attention of upper management. Brooks could not help but envy Baskin's success. He was also puzzled by how she had become successful given her actual performance. Yes, she had brought in some major clients, but overall her performance was lower than that of several other group managers, including himself. Her brokers disliked her and complained about her temper tantrums, her threats, her lack of support, and her unreasonable demands. Yet, she was going places. Brooks shared his discontent with his manager and asked his manager to provide an explanation for Baskin's promotion versus Brook's promotion. His manager response was th

“Equity and Debt Financing

Using the Internet or Strayer database, examine two (2) sources of outside equity capital available to entrepreneurs. Next, describe the source(s) you would use if you were creating a new company. Explain your rationale.

Using the Internet or Strayer database, analyze two (2) sources of debt financing. Next, discuss which non-bank source you would use if you were creating a new company. Explain your rationale.
Lastly, respond to at least one (1) post of your peers.

Purpose Statement – Doctor of Public Health

I am looking to apply to public health doctorate programs.  The purpose statement needs to be 2-3 pages (preferrably 2 pages- single spaced)  This is an opportunity to submit a tailored narrative that will provide insight into my professional career objectives and important moments in my experience and educational history. need to include my interest in the concentration  (Health Management and Leadership) .  I need to address the evolution of my professional interest in public health. I need to explain how studying in the program you have selected will prepare me to make positive, constructive contributions to my chosen area of work.