

Archive for the ‘Harvard Style’ Category

Corporate Governance, Leadership and Strategy

This case study need to be based on the Corporate governance failures that lead to Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust maternity scandal. The critic assignment must be based on Corporate Governance concepts, theories, models, leadership, strategy, processes, techniques and latest developments

There has to be clear case timeframes and NHS governance critical academic articles. Application of UK Code of Governance, FRC reports

Applying event study methodology to calculate market reaction to takeover announcement.

assignment applying EVENT STUDY methodology to calculate market reaction to takeover announcements.
The paper needs to use EXCEL to sort out the data, use STATA for regression analysis, and then put the analysis results into the essay, which requires the knowledge of ECONOMETRICS.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Your answers must be direct, grammatically correct, coherent, and precise.
It is postulated [assumed] that no writing happens in a vacuum. Writing is produced in reaction to present/past life experience or past reading experience [back catalogue]. Discuss this postulate in-depth and support your discussions with illustrative examples.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

It is postulated [assumed] that no writing happens in a vacuum. Writing is produced in reaction to present/past life experience or past reading experience [back catalogue]. Discuss this postulate in-depth and support your discussions with illustrative examples.
Your answers must be direct, grammatically correct, coherent, and precise.

International Business Strategy Case Study

Using whatever theory and examples you think are useful, discuss the main organisational characteristics and environmental conditions you would expect to see if an emergent process of strategy is likely to be successful. How would this be different for a more prescriptive approach to strategy?

Organizational Characteristics:
Products and services

Environmental conditions:
Pace of change

These key-points are required to be answered with examples in the essay.

A sample outline explanation is attached but the headlines are different in this sample. The essay needs to be written in this format but different headlines from the sample.

International Business Strategy Case Study

Using whatever theory and examples you think are useful, discuss the main organisational characteristics and environmental conditions you would expect to see if an emergent process of strategy is likely to be successful. How would this be different for a more prescriptive approach to strategy?

A structure example is attached. The essay has to be written in this structure like the one on the essay sample structure. The headlines in the sample structure is different from what is required but the layout has to be the same.

International Business Strategy Case Study

The questions that are needed to be answered in the essay about the case study, will be uploaded 14th. The final essay will be uploaded in 16th latest at 10 AM. I uploaded the case study, information about the essay and some previous questions to give a hint abut the upcoming questions.

Management Report on Employee Engagement

Prepare a Management Report on Employee Engagement. Apply this to a relevant organisation that operates in the UK.  Your report should outline the aim(s), legal regulation (if relevant), and costs and benefits for that organisation in dealing with this issue. Your report should also briefly outline the timescale, cost, and prioritisation of any recommendations.

Read carefully attached doc

Public sector Economics

-Read an essay answering following questions: How do economists distinguish between public goods and private goods? (Distinguish public goods and private goods by analyzing rivalness and excludability.) What problems does the existence of public goods pose for the market? (the prisoners' dilemma leads contribute and free-ride problem) How might the government intervene to address the problem of public goods? Illustrate with an example or examples drawn from your work experience or the academic literature.
-Sections of the essay: introduction, mainbody(can have headings), conclusion, reference.
-Notes: read article 'public goods' written by professor Peter so that you will be familiar with public goods. Also read book 'Economics, pp.359-366, Public goods' and cite some materials from this chapter cause it helps you to define the concepts.

Public Management, defining concepts and applying concepts

Part 1 Defining concepts (approx. 1,500 words)

Provide a critical definition and understanding of each of these concepts, using reading from the resource list:
1.Bureaucracy in public services
2.Markets in public services
3.Networks in public services
Warning: you should only define these concepts by citing the material from reading in the resource list that I gave (especially in two required books), no other channels' resources are allowed.

Part 2 Applying concepts (approx. 2,500 words)

1.Identify a public service challenge facing in China.
2.Show how one of these concepts has been used by public managers to address that challenge.
3.Evaluate how successful this has been (successes and problems).
Draw on reading from the resource list.  You also need to find new sources on case studies or examples from your country.
Note: Using one of three concepts to analyse your chosen case and disucss appropriateness of that concept