Given what algorithm is supposed to do, just make the code based on the descriptions. Keep function names and parameter the same as given. Use the file to ensure that the algorithm will get the full grades. Do not prompt the user for input.
Write a short program that does all of the following.
1. Asks the user for an IP Address with the subnet prefix. (ex: )
2. The input must be the correct format and have validation (make sure it meets the format requirements).
3. You must use a List to store the IP Address (Lab 4 - Step 5) and a variable for the prefix.
4. Calculate the required answers. 5. Output should match the provide sample below.
Complete a port scan. Use NMAP for this. Showcase the findings.
Use wireshark and perform a TCPFlood attack. Record your findings.
Use Kali tools to perform a Hping3 attack. Record your findings.
Write a 2 page paper that discusses your findings and what businesses should do to mitigate these attack vectors.
It was brought to my attention that the laboratory does not contain information on what you need to do. After trying to contact faculty services, I wasn't able to get a hold of anyone that could discuss what needed to be done. As we are discussing footprinting and we have colleague, I have a few things that I would like you all to run.
Install whois on Kali. You may have issues if this is not part of the repository list. Use the following commands.
This will let you know your repository listing. Ensure that the repository listing has the following inside.
deb kali-rolling main contrib non-free
Run the following commands in terminal.
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade
that should allow you to run the WHOIS installation command.
apt-get install whois
Run queries against domains.
The Data
For this assignment, you'll be using the midwest dataset, which is built into the ggplot2 package. Each row contains demographic information about a county in each state:
midwest dataset
Remember, you may want to use dplyr to compute (and then later visualize) summary information!
Assignment Structure
For this assignment, you build your own shiny application. The application should provide users with the ability to interact with a visual representation of the midwest dataset. What the application looks like is up to you, as long as it meets the following requirements:
You create a multi-page (tab) application with at least two pages
On each page, you should use the appropriate layout, such as a sidebarLayout, to create a section for control widgets, and another section for a visualization.
You must create at least two widgets on each page that change the visual output in your application, such as data displayed
Project 3
AES block cipher modes
In this project you will answer a series of questions about AES. In this description you will see five questions, Question 1,...,Question 5. You should answer each of these in a separate document, preferably a markdown document like this one. Please do not use MS word or another word processing program. The cocalc text editor is fine. Please clearly indicate your solution by using an informative filename like
In class last week we played around a bit using block cipher modes and openssl. For reference I have given you an example of how to use the tool in the file called in your directory:
hunter@pop-os:~/Desktop/aes_play$ cat
openssl aes-128-ecb -e -K $KEY -in plaintext -out ct_ecb
You can execute this script by doing this at the terminal:
hunter@pop-os:~/Desktop/aes_play$ .
This will produce the outp
Deliverables for this project include the following:
1. Source code correctly implementing all required functionality. Your program must compile with Microsoft Visual C++ or any modern C/C++ compiler on your O/S.
2. Word or PDF file providing screen shots of successfully compiling and executing the program.
3. Description of the process and lesson learned while completing this project (to be included in the Word or PDF document).
4. A test plan that contains test cases that test all of the required operators. Each test case should include the expression and its expected value (to be included in the Word or PDF document).
In this assignment, the encryption algorithm we use encrypts (or decrypt) one letter of the message at a time.
First, we will remove all characters that are not letters from the plaintext message and also convert all lowercase letters to uppercase. This means that whitespace, digits and punctuation are lost in the encryption process, leaving only uppercase letters of the alphabet. Next, we convert the letters to numbers based on their place in the alphabet (A is represented as 0, B as 1, C as 2, ..., Y as 24, and Z as 25). We'll use the resulting sequence of these numbers as input to the encryption algorithm.
After the letters are converted to numbers (remember, we're only converting capital letters here), the encryption algorithm generates a special number for each position in the plaintext message. These special numbers are called keystream values. To encrypt each letter, the numeric letter value and the corresponding keystream value are added, modulo 26, and then the r
This assignment is a design problem, not a coding problem. It is meant to provide you with practice in top-down design with step-wise refinement, that is, the decomposition of a problem into appropriate modules and high level functions definitions. We are looking for a design document, not a working Python 3 program, so do not submit any Python 3 code.
The problem
A company needs a program to generate on-screen reports from their employee database.
The company's employee records are in files on their computer system. The format of these files (.csv, .json, whatever) is not important to your design. Here is a description of the data contained in the files that are relevant to your project:
A central employees file contains the following information for each employee:
employee ID
(other information not needed for reports)
Each employee has a file (with a name generated from the employee's ID number) that contains up to t
Attached will be the rubric my task I have chosen is:
I am writing a python program to access my schools linux server using python. logging on as myself then executing ypcat passwrd | awk -F ":" 'print $1' > users_on.txt . Everything must be in in one py file.
My train of though it using python to access Putty, log in as my self run the command above to get the users then use a password breaker that I will provide (that I think I made effectively ) to try all 8 (maybe 9) digit numerical passwords if successful increase a counter by 1 and save that username and password to a file.