

Archive for the ‘Computer science and IT assignments’ Category

Maya formula for a sound spectrum

Basically recreate the sound specturm formula in this paper: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/cg/lego/acoustic-voxels-siggraph-2016-li-et-al.pdf

I have already designed a sample filter (.obj) which can be imported into Maya. I want to know what the sound spectrum looks like after i feed some sound (a physical tap at the open end) into the filter. The formula needs to be inputted into Maya. I want this formula that works in Maya and can be used for any more filters that i create. An explanation of how the formula works is needed too.

Maya formula for a sound spectrum

Basically recreate the sound specturm formula in this paper: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/cg/lego/acoustic-voxels-siggraph-2016-li-et-al.pdf

I have already designed a sample filter (.obj) which can be imported into Maya. I want to know what the sound spectrum looks like after i feed some sound (a physical tap at the open end) into the filter. The formula needs to be inputted into Maya. I want this formula that works in Maya and can be used for any more filters that i create. An explanation of how the formula works is needed too.

Maya formula for a sound spectrum

Basically recreate the sound specturm formula in this paper: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/cg/lego/acoustic-voxels-siggraph-2016-li-et-al.pdf

I have already designed a sample filter (.obj) which can be imported into Maya. I want to know what the sound spectrum looks like after i feed some sound (a physical tap at the open end) into the filter. The formula needs to be inputted into Maya. I want this formula that works in Maya and can be used for any more filters that i create. An explanation of how the formula works is needed too.

Maya formula for a sound spectrum

Basically recreate the sound specturm formula in this paper: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/cg/lego/acoustic-voxels-siggraph-2016-li-et-al.pdf

I have already designed a sample filter (.obj) which can be imported into Maya. I want to know what the sound spectrum looks like after i feed some sound (a physical tap at the open end) into the filter. The formula needs to be inputted into Maya. I want this formula that works in Maya and can be used for any more filters that i create. An explanation of how the formula works is needed too.

Maya formula for a sound spectrum

Basically recreate the sound specturm formula in this paper: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/cg/lego/acoustic-voxels-siggraph-2016-li-et-al.pdf

I have already designed a sample filter (.obj) which can be imported into Maya. I want to know what the sound spectrum looks like after i feed some sound (a physical tap at the open end) into the filter. The formula needs to be inputted into Maya. I want this formula that works in Maya and can be used for any more filters that i create. An explanation of how the formula works is needed too.

C# Abstract Class Implementation

/ Hello! The instructions on this one are below. The instructor says it should only take 5-10 minutes to do! It mentions an abstract class example of the animal. I will include the image shown to us in the attachments as Animal.jpg! Thank you!!

Lets go back to our D&D game program idea. You are now creating the character generator explanation portion. So eventually we want to make our program so that, if the user has no idea what he wants to be, he can select one of the character types and it will explain to them what that character can do.

So, using the abstract class example of the animal, you will create a base-class called characterinfo.
In this class you should have two modules (like in the Dungeon and Dragons style game program that you developed and altered previously):
The introduction module will simply say: You are looking at the fighter style classes. Be warned, you will be in the thick of all the fighting!
The second module will be the one you wil

Online Booking and Management system for Beauty Salon

The main goal of the project is to create a web application that solves the issue of appointments in a beauty salon going unfilled, due to cancellations and time constraints. The project aims to provide a service to allow clients to book/cancel/modify appointments online. A dashboard with notifications for the business owner to keep daily track of appointments/activities/cancellations.  With this small business expanding its clientele, it is harder for clients to access appointments when needed.
A web app that not only provides a service to the business owner but also to customers via the Web to book appointments.
Software/Technology to be used
I have setup a microsft azure SQL database and a webapp sevice deployment through azure. using Spring IO to bootstrap and tomcat. JDBC
Coding needed fo this project- using Visual studio code with java(latest  version) with HTML CSS (some Javascript if possible).
The webapp will allow clients to book appointments in 30

Check/ improve simple Python Code

Creating function for AWS API Gateway endpoint:

import json
import random

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # TODO implement
    Cheeses = ["fromage", "", "formaggio", "ost"]
    which_one = range(0, len(Cheeses), 1)
    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json.dumps(Cheeses[which_one]), "headers": {},
"isbase64Encoded"; "false" }

Check/ improve simple Python Code

Creating function for AWS API Gateway endpoint:

import json
import random

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # TODO implement
    Cheeses = ["fromage", "", "formaggio", "ost"]
    which_one = range(0, len(Cheeses), 1)
    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json.dumps(Cheeses[which_one]), "headers": {},
"isbase64Encoded"; "false" }

Check/ improve simple Python Code

Creating function for AWS API Gateway endpoint:

import json
import random

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # TODO implement
    Cheeses = ["fromage", "", "formaggio", "ost"]
    which_one = range(0, len(Cheeses), 1)
    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json.dumps(Cheeses[which_one]), "headers": {},
"isbase64Encoded"; "false" }