Choose two biblical passages up to a chapter in length of the same genre or on the same topic and perform a close reading of the texts, discussing their shared features and textual strategies as well as interesting points of divergence between them.
Choose two biblical passages up to a chapter in length of the same genre or on the same topic and perform a close reading of the texts, discussing their shared features and textual strategies as well as interesting points of divergence between them.
Choose two biblical passages up to a chapter in length of the same genre or on the same topic and perform a close reading of the texts, discussing their shared features and textual strategies as well as interesting points of divergence between them.
*** if you can't do this assignment please let me know. I also started this assignment but you can correct what you need to finish it
Journal 1 (Module/ Week 2)
We will start our CQ journey by reflecting on our own cultural experiences. Answer the following questions in your CQ journal. (Questions in parenthesis are suggestions to help you think through your answers)
Where is your family from? Where did you grow up? Where do you live now?
Describe your home culture: Geography, Religion, Ethnicity, Language, Family, Food, History, etc.
Look at your cultural value orientations from your CQ report. Which ones are farther to either the left or the right (showing a stronger pull to a specific cultural value)? Which ones do you think most affect your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors?
What cultural value orientations most impact the way you interact with the world?
These responses are very open-ended and I dont have strict guidelines for how I want you to
structure them. Basically, I want you to engage with the assigned readings (if we are reading
more than one text ie. several short stories or excerpts please just respond to one of them) in
some fashion. The idea behind this assignment is to start you thinking about the literature so
youll be ready for our discussions when we have our class meetings.
These responses are very open-ended and I dont have strict guidelines for how I want you to
structure them. Basically, I want you to engage with the assigned readings (if we are reading
more than one text ie. several short stories or excerpts please just respond to one of them) in
some fashion. The idea behind this assignment is to start you thinking about the literature so
youll be ready for our discussions when we have our class meetings.
2-3 sentences in which you try to summarize the authors main point(s), and perhaps thinking about
key words or concepts that you noticed
Your reaction to the reading, which could include what surprised you, what confused you, what you
disagreed with, what was left out.
Perhaps some comparative comments: comparing what you read to what you know about other
religions or this religious tradition in other places; perhaps comparison with things weve already read or
learned in this class.
Some questions that you are left with about the reading or the topic that you wish you had more
information about.
This essay should be ca. 1200-1600 words (please include the word count of your essay)
- [ ] In the first part of your essay, you should discuss the topic of persecution in early Christianity with reference to key texts in 1 Peter and Horrell (see esp. 53-60).
- [x] a) sketch out the specific scenarios of suffering that Horrell identifies (53-54)
- [ ] b) identify the specific things about Christians beliefs and practices that could have aroused the hostility of their nonChristian neighbors (55)
- [ ] c) identify the two points regarding the suffering of early Christians about which there is agreement among different interpreters (class lecture L-08a)
- [ ] d) sketch out the position of Elliott on suffering in 1 Peter (56)
- [ ] e) explicate in greater detail the opposing position of Horrell, showing how and why he takes a different view than Elliot (56-59)
- [ ]
- [ ] In the second part of your essay, you should then discuss Horrells analysis of the exte
The goal of this assignment is to explain various perspectives on the land through the study of a biblical passage.
Read the narrative about Naboth and his vineyard in 1 Kings 21:1-29. Note that there are 4 significant characters in this narrative: Naboth, Ahab, Jezebel, and Elijah. The assignment is to view the land through the eyes of each of these characters. What was his or her perspective of the land? Make sure that you know a little bit about each individual as you read the narrative and then determine their view of the land in this situation.
Write 1 short paragraph on each of the 4 individuals that summarizes their perspective of the land in this situation. How does each individual visualize or think about the land? Feel free to interject your own evaluation of the land of Israel during Old Testament times as you interact with each of these characters.
The goal of this assignment is to demonstrate how an understanding of ancient culture enhances the understanding of a biblical passage. This assignment provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate how an understanding of ancient culture, including the environmental aspects of ancient Israel, and the daily life and times of the Old Testament people aids in the understanding of a biblical passage.
For this assignment you will need to select 1 of the biblical passages listed below:
Isaiah 5:1-7Song of the vineyard (agriculture: wine and vineyards)
Isaiah 28:23-29Parable of the farmer (agriculture: farming)
Isaiah 44:12-17Idolatry polemic (craftsmen and idol making)
Jeremiah 32:6-16Sign of land purchase (land transaction)
Jeremiah 36Burning Jeremiahs scroll (writing: literacy, scrolls)
Ezekiel 27:4-9Sinking of Tyre (ship building, ships)
Ezekiel 34:1-19Good and evil shepherds (shepherding and herding)
Hosea 7:3-9Israels sins (baker and bread making