Write a short report (not exceeding 2 page excluding the reference list,
based on APA Style (Double spacing)) Explaining How does hysteresis affect
accuracy In your own words. Make sure you include the reference list also
(Minimum 3 references). 2 pages report include introduction, main body
and conclusion.
After reading the article Pixel Perfectopens in a new window by Lauren Collins, where do you think digital artists should draw the line when it comes to digital manipulation? Should there be a code of ethics for designer? Where do you as a designer draw the line?
After visiting some of the websites related to sustainable design practices, what small steps could you take in your daily life that align with the ethics of sustainability?
Discuss two of the Photoshop Creative Effects covered in the LinkedIn Learning tutorials that would be helpful in fine-tuning your digital artwork. Be sure to include the exact number and title of the techniques that you choose, and provide a detailed analysis of the techniques you choose.
Guidelines and Expectations
Your Discussion:
Minimum 200 words
Clear, logical and on-topic remarks
Thoughtful views with new personal insights
References from reading or Internet resources to support your comments, including images and other v
*I need about 1750 word and edit what I did in "permeable pavement" file if there is something wrong
*I attached every file you need
*the theme of the term is global connection so the report will talk about the problem in general then focus in Saudi Arabia
* you can edit the outline
*you can use references attached in "permeable pavement" file or add new references
You need to find an architecture designer/professional in Kansas!!!! to make an interview. The questions are listed below. Before you contact the architecture designer/professional, you need to tell me first. I will make sure the person is proper or not for this interview.
you need to record the audio for the whole interview and send it to me in an mp4 format. And organizing the five questions' answers in a Word document. (at least 530 words, no more than 600 words) because I will use the answers in my research paper.
You need to learn some basic knowledge about slow design and architecture before the interview.
1. The application of slow design in architecture.
2. Find out how slow design in Kansas City buildings establishes a long-term emotional connection with users.
3. What design methods in architecture can convey the correct consumption view and respond to sustainable development.
4. Why did Kansas people focus on the slow design process and get
The personal statement is carefully considered in the admission selection process. This is the opportunity for you to tell us more about yourself, your readiness for college, and your activities and accomplishments. Explain any personal experience, responsibilities, or challenges that have impacted you or your academic achievements. * (531 words)
Please provide an essay that explains why you chose your intended program of study. What interests you the most about this major? To which careers or job opportunities do you think acceptance into this program would lead? * (472)
Read the assigned topics, then conduct further research into Aviation Safety Statistics over the Evolution of the Airline Industry, as you will use this knowledge in writing your Case Analysis (CA).
You will access an aviation accident statistic over many decades, analyze it, and provide an assessment.
Consider accessing the NTSB website (Links to an external site.) and scholarly journals to perform this task.
Provide a summation of the major events and findings. (in Summary)
Describe the various metrics that could be used to describe quantitative safety data.
Demonstrate your understanding of which benchmark metric is used to measure overall safety.
What was one major problem addressed? (in Problem)
What is the significance to the airline industry? To general aviation? (in Significance)
Evaluate this problem with respect to the airline industry changes over multiple decades via the inferential statistical data.
What has been the impact? Is this a new pro
This part is continued as the older one
So now i have a 2 route i need to be written in details one of the is Biomass gasification and other one is photolysis
The question provided is an example for it.
Production routes in detailed :-
1. Biomass gasification
* What is Biomass?
* How does biomass gasification work?
* Why is this pathway being considered?
* hydrogen production via biomass gasification?
* Is the biomass route technically viable?
* Is the biomass route environmentally viable?
* Is the biomass route economically viable?
2. Photolysis ( Photolysis could be subdivided into two modes: photo biological and photo electrochemical)
* What is Photolysis ?
* How does work?
* Why is this pathway being considered?
* hydrogen production via photolysis ?
* Is the photolysis route technically viable?
* Is the photolysis route environmentally viable?
* Is the photolysis route economically viabl
I need a presentation or speech about my design which is a a model and its location and how it is connected to the area around it. I will attach the photos of it and some information about it. it should be a 1 page max.
- use only the attached source
- Discuss sampling strategy.
- Must be in past tense and include at a minimum OSH ID, FR, Volume, LOD, required calibration, sample media, lab analysis, blanks, etc
- Discuss results (assume over exposure).
- assume you have been hired by a company to test their work safety conditions (they do brazing).
- they have 16 workers:
8 operators (3 women and 5 men)
6 maintenances (2women and 4 men)
2 supervisors (1 women and 1 man)
- they work 5 days per week, they work 8 hours per day with 1 hour lunch break (8am-5pm)
Term Paper with Abstract
- APA format with a title page, 3 pages of content, and a References page if necessary.
- Submit a 3 page paper expanding on one of the previous safety papers from earlier in the term (e.g. safety culture, cost-benefit analysis, safety policy, risk management, safety assurance or safety promotion). You may use your previous work as a basis for this paper.
- Format the draft to APA format as it will be graded to the same standard as your final paper.