

Archive for the ‘Business and Management’ Category

Asymmetric information

Please read the two articles and do an abstract of both articles separately.
Please think also about real-world examples of adverse selection and moral hazard.
Please use a simple english (no mother language)
use only the documents uploaded not other sources.
no plagiarism

1. abstract/summary of asymmetric information
2. abstract/summary of asymmetric information 1
3. give and example of adverse selection and moral hazard

a discussion topic

1.Have you worked on any innovative projects with your team?
2.What do you think are the (potential or actual) challenges and rewards of working together as a team?
3.How do you think the innovation team makes the Innovation Methods transition from "insight" to "problem"?(Refer to the picture in the attachment)

4.What lessons do you think you can learn from working as a team?

5.Come up with a title for this discussion

*Please use some references and list them

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The Vice President of operations recently promoted you to branch manager and moved you to a new branch office where the morale among employees is low and performance is poor. Of the five employees, Amani has the most tenure with six years. Amani seems to have the lowest morale and is not motivated to do the work, although he is quite capable of doing it successfully. Bassmah has been with the company for four years but has not mastered the new software and is performing at a low level even three months after being trained on the software. Hadeel also has four years with the company and Rawan has two years. Hadeel and Rawan are responsible for client contact, and while in the past they worked well together on reaching out to clients, now there are conflicts and low morale. Samah has been with the company just three months and does not understand what is expected on the job and is contemplating leaving the company.

Approach the case as the branch manager well versed in situational

a discussion topic

After reading Modules 3-5 and reading Case 2 on globalization in the age of Trump, what are your thoughts?

Share at least two main ideas/topics you took out of the text and/or case 2 that you believe to be important when accessing global trade and its challenges.

Please, justify your response, and feel free to cite outside sources (read the rubric in the syllabus).

Discussion Forum DC Reply WK2 710

This is a discussion board reply. You will reply to the attached  paper. Please read the Grading rubric before starting this reply.  The reply must include 3 peer reviewed source citations in current APA 7 format, the text, and the integration of 1 biblical principal as outlined in the Discussion Board Rubric which is attached.

Readings: Merida: Entire Book (attached)
Scott: pp 35-106 (attached)

Please read Grading Rubric before starting.

In the Replies include the following:
Everything mentioned in the Reply expectations.

In the Introduction section, you must quote or specifically refer to what and to whom you are responding. There is no need to cite a fellow Learner in the DB assignments, unless in a separate thread or a reply in which you are responding to something very specific. Do not be afraid to disagree with a fellow Learner's perspective, just do so politely and always cite and source why.

You need to cite in support of y

Discussion Board Reply WK2 AM

This is a discussion board reply. You will reply to the attached  paper.
Please read the Grading rubric before starting this reply.
The reply must include 2 peer reviewed source citations in current APA 7 format, the text, and the integration of 1 biblical principal as outlined in the Discussion Board Rubric which is attached.

Please read Grading Rubric before starting.

You will not bash the writer in this post, you will add knowledge to their findings.
I have attached the article my peer used and books for the class as references if needed.

Organization Observation

Conduct a 30-minute observation at a local McDonalds or Starbucks restaurant (or large international chain as stated above), and document the following. Please find a video of the work at McDonald's or Starbucks or use your past experiences to think about the actions of the employees!

- Look for specific examples of scientific management in practice. How are scientific management principles practiced across various positions at the restaurant? How would you assess the overall job design at the restaurant, according to our Contingency Analysis scale of highly mechanistic to highly non- mechanistic? Which jobs or positions are most mechanized versus least mechanized?
- Look for specific examples of classical/bureaucratic structure in practice. How are bureaucratic principles practiced at the restaurant? How would you assess the overall organization structure, according to our Contingency Analysis scale of highly bureaucratic (functional) to highly non-bureaucratic (network) str

Organization Observation

Conduct a 30-minute observation at a local McDonalds or Starbucks restaurant (or large international chain as stated above), and document the following. Please find a video of the work at McDonald's or Starbucks or use your past experiences to think about the actions of the employees!

- Look for specific examples of scientific management in practice. How are scientific management principles practiced across various positions at the restaurant? How would you assess the overall job design at the restaurant, according to our Contingency Analysis scale of highly mechanistic to highly non- mechanistic? Which jobs or positions are most mechanized versus least mechanized?
- Look for specific examples of classical/bureaucratic structure in practice. How are bureaucratic principles practiced at the restaurant? How would you assess the overall organization structure, according to our Contingency Analysis scale of highly bureaucratic (functional) to highly non-bureaucratic (network) str

A think piece

Only 1 Think Piece covering the assigned 3 articles.
Each Think Piece will be max. 2-pages. It should not be a summary of the articles, but more about what you think about the articles. Do you find any similarities? differences? across articles? any remaining questions after reading the articles?
There is no one way to write up the Think Pieces. I've posted a few examples of Think Pieces for you to review. You can follow the one that you like.

admission essay

I am a international student and study in study in a US college right now  I wanna transfer to UC .So I need to finish the admission essay. Kindly check the instructon .
And also I attached some my personal background and some stories. Please help me write this admission essay .
(Please note : there are NO any personal real information, all the name are ficttious.