Ryanair strategic advise
The assignment is as follows:
Please write an academic paper in which you give Ryanair strategic advice. The basis for this assignment is the business case: “Ryanair: the low fares airline always getting better?” WHICH CAN BE FOUND IN ONE OF THE DOCUMENTS I ADDED. It is mandatory to use this case for this assignment. The assignment will be checked on plagiarism. I HAVE ADDED THE ASSIGNMENT MATRIX THAT WILL BE USED FOR GRADING AS ADDITIONAL MATERIAL.
General guidelines paper:
Academic paper
4000 words! (+/- 20%, excluding the title page, the abstract, the reference list and the appendix) (AS YOU SEE I PAY FOR 5500 WORDS SO THAT THERE IS ROOM FOR APPENDIX)
Use the provided Ryanair case
Find extra data/articles on Ryanair for your analysis
Incorporate relevant course literature, the models presented in class have to be used. Examples are: DESTEP, Five forces, value chain, Three horizons for strategy, levels of strategy, the strategy checklist, the value net, strategic groups analysis, critical succes factors, VRIO framework, confrontation matrix. AT LEAST 5 of these models have to be used. One can make place for an other relevant model.
All models have to be worked out in the appendix.
Other relevant theory I would like to see in the paper are: the industry life cycle, Stakeholder mapping, strategic drift, Three generic strategies, The Strategy Clock, Corporate strategy directions. (not per se all of them, only if relevant.)
I have send the book used in class where all models can be found.
Use APA-style of referencing
Write an academic paper in which you give Ryanair strategic advice.
Introduce Ryanair and the management problem and create a research question.
incorporate (and use) the relevant class materials to analyse the situation at Ryanair.
It is a necessity to find extra data/articles on Ryanair, on the internet, to use as input for the models & concepts that you’ll choose to use. Only articles from renowned media (Economist, The Guardian, New York Times, Bloomberg, etc.) can be used as an extra data source on Ryanair.
Conclude your paper with advice, based on your analyses, to Ryanair
I would like a professional paper using a lot of refrencing. I would like to pay a bounty when my paper is graded higher then an 8 (50,-).
I will also be happy if the paper turns out to be of fewer words but high quality. Please don’t write words just to come to 5500 words. 5000 for example is fine as wel.
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