


Content Pages (2-3 pages: a minimum of 750 words but no more than 1000 words of content).1.  Providean Executive Summary of the case by summarizing your report- not the case itself. Must be clear and concise and be at least one paragraph. NOTE: This will be the last section written when preparing your case study. (11 points)2.  Identify the Statement of Immediate (obvious) Problem (s) (your companys issues) including the root cause of the immediate problem, and the secondary problem(s) that may not be solved when immediate problem is solved. (11 points)3.  Describe your companys Situation (SWOT) Analysis by explaining at least three items for each element(23 points)
2a)    Strengthsb)  Weaknessesc)  Opportunitiesd)  Threats4.  Describehow you would approach the Marketing Mix for your case            (all of the 4 Ps MUST be addressed). (22 points)5.  Provide an Action Plan for this case including how to prevent a future similar occurrence. Must include    whatshould be done by whom, whyit should be done and how it should be done. Should include a contingency plan should problems arise. (23 points)Endnotes (one separate page): Minimum of three (3= grade of C) but no more than 5 quality endnotes. (5 points as part of the Grammar grade) Note: This is your original analysis and solution. Tjherefore, a maximum of 20% of your case study submittal can be direct quotes or paraphrasing anothers work. A one point penalty for each percentage point above the 20% maximum will be assessed.In the Content Section, place an Arabic numeral by the information to be cited. Repeat the number on the Endnotes Page. Identify from which entry in your bibliography you obtained the data. Include the page number(s) of the reference. What to endnote: Information not commonly known such as facts, dates, quotes etc. Please use only Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) One point penalty per entry for using Roman numerals. Internet: Supply URL address including all appropriate extensions. When in doubtEND NOTE! Place end notes on a separate page. Do not insert endnotes in the body of your content. Only the endnote number. For end notes examples, please see the A graded papers attached in Blackboard. Five point penalty if correct endnotes format is not followed. Five point penalty will be assessed for Endnotes page not submitted on a separate page. GRAMMAR REQUIREMENTS (10 points) (One (1) point penalty for each violation of these basic directions.) Document MUST be left justified in a portrait format. Black (no other color!) 12 point Times New Roman or Arial typeface only. (Five (5) point penalty for each page submitted with any color other than black).No background color on any page is acceptable. A five (5) point penalty will assessed for each page that contains a background color.Write in third person voice (he, she, it, the company, etc.) only. Do not use first person (I, we, and us) or second person (you, them) voice.Your content MUST be broken into paragraphs. The first line of all paragraphs should be indented. Whole blocks of type are not acceptable. A 5 point penalty per page submitted with no paragraphs.Numbers 10 or larger, type the number. Less than 10, type the word (one, two, etc.)
3Financial figures are to be written as $50 (not fifty dollars); $1,500 (not one thousand, five hundred dollars); $1M (not one million dollars); $3.2B (not three billion, two hundred million dollars).Never end your sentence with a preposition like to, from, by, with, between, before, after or during. (E.g. The company could not have anticipated where the threat came from.) Always use italics for the name of a source (magazine, book or newspaper title) e.g. Wall St. Journal.NEVER use the words sticking (instead use placing or inserting the product into the market); everyone (no product appeals to/or is used by everyone-ever!), stocks (it is stock) or came up with (use developed). Always capitalize the first letter of proper names.When you attach your project to the online drop box, use SINGLE MS Word file or PDF attachment IN THE ORDER YOU WANT IT PRINTED AND READ. No multiple MS Word or PDF file attachments will be accepted. (10 point penalty per attachment for multiple documents submission).Always include page numbers on the bottom right corner of each page.Text MUST be double spaced.  A 5 point penalty per page not double spaced


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