In your own words, answer "Briefly" the following questions in response to the above video:
List at least 3 of the tools and software listed in the above video. Are there any that you find interesting? Please "Briefly" explain.
List at least 3 of the frameworks / back-end languages listed. Are there any that you find interesting? Please "Briefly" explain.
Based on the Stack Overflow Top Languages slide in the above video, are PHP questions increasing or decreasing? Is this important? Please "Briefly" explain.
Of the trends listed, are there any that you find interesting? Please "Briefly" explain.
Project 14-1: Reservation Calculator
Create an application that gets arrival and departure dates for a reservation and calculates the total amount for the stay.
Reservation Calculator
Enter the arrival month (1-12): 5
Enter the arrival day (1-31): 16
Enter the arrival year: 2018
Enter the departure month (1-12): 5
Enter the departure day (1-31): 18
Enter the departure year: 2018
Arrival Date: May 16, 2018
Departure Date: May 18, 2018
Price: $145.00 per night
Total price: $290.00 for 2 nights
Continue? (y/n): n
Create a class named Reservation that defines a reservation. This class should contain instance variables for the arrival date and departure date. It should also contain a constant initialized to the nightly rate of $145.00.
The Reservation class should include the following methods:
combine the lessons of the last 3 chapters and explore HTML forms, CSS, and JavaScript to build a meeting announcement as an online service provided to our customers.
If you have questions about this assignment at any time, contact me so that I can help you get started or keep going. There is a lot of work here, but this should break down the tasks into manageable pieces.
Create a New Web Page from Existing
You are required to create a complete stand-alone web site for your family-owned (forged) company. The site must have 5 - 7 content pages (the collection of external links wont be counted as a content page) including home, about us, product/service, order form, associations (i.e., brief bio of your family), etc. Your company could be any service provider or product manufacture. The contents of your business web site including all images and expression should be professional/ethical/legal.
For this project, you should submit a proposal. The contents of the proposal include the
following in order:
Proposal Contents (12 Times New Roman, double-spaced, and minimum 1500 words)
1. Your/business/company names
2. Introduction background your company, business, competitors, etc.
3. Mission statement why are you building the web site? What does your organization
hope to gain from creating and maintaining a web site?
4. Identifying content goal explain what type of
You are required to create a complete stand-alone web site for your family-owned (forged) company. The site must have 5 - 7 content pages (the collection of external links wont be counted as a content page) including home, about us, product/service, order form, associations (i.e., brief bio of your family), etc. Your company could be any service provider or product manufacture. The contents of your business web site including all images and expression should be professional/ethical/legal.
For this project, you should submit a proposal. The contents of the proposal include the
following in order:
Proposal Contents (12 Times New Roman, double-spaced, and minimum 1500 words)
1. Your/business/company names
2. Introduction background your company, business, competitors, etc.
3. Mission statement why are you building the web site? What does your organization
hope to gain from creating and maintaining a web site?
4. Identifying content goal explain what type of
You are required to create a complete stand-alone web site for your family-owned (forged) company. The site must have 5 - 7 content pages (the collection of external links wont be counted as a content page) including home, about us, product/service, order form, associations (i.e., brief bio of your family), etc. Your company could be any service provider or product manufacture. The contents of your business web site including all images and expression should be professional/ethical/legal.
For this project, you should submit a proposal. The contents of the proposal include the
following in order:
Proposal Contents (12 Times New Roman, double-spaced, and minimum 1500 words)
1. Your/business/company names
2. Introduction background your company, business, competitors, etc.
3. Mission statement why are you building the web site? What does your organization
hope to gain from creating and maintaining a web site?
4. Identifying content goal explain what type of
You are required to create a complete stand-alone web site for your family-owned (forged) company. The site must have 5 - 7 content pages (the collection of external links wont be counted as a content page) including home, about us, product/service, order form, associations (i.e., brief bio of your family), etc. Your company could be any service provider or product manufacture. The contents of your business web site including all images and expression should be professional/ethical/legal.
For this project, you should submit a proposal. The contents of the proposal include the
following in order:
Proposal Contents (12 Times New Roman, double-spaced, and minimum 1500 words)
1. Your/business/company names
2. Introduction background your company, business, competitors, etc.
3. Mission statement why are you building the web site? What does your organization
hope to gain from creating and maintaining a web site?
4. Identifying content goal explain what type of
Part A:
Begin by opening one of your web pages, such as your Home page, from your course folder into either BlueGriffon or Notepad++ . The page you open should be the same one containing the text in your website document.
Using the ordered and/or unordered list tags, create your lists in your HTML page. You can either type the code for the lists by hand in Notepad++, or use BlueGriffon's design mode to paste the bullets in and turn them into a list.
Next, open your CSS file into Notepad++. When it opens, add a style for the type of list(s) you created in your web page. Write the style so that it is the default for all ordered/unordered lists. Give the text a specific font, color, decoration, line size, etc. How many attributes you use is not important.
NOTE: If you had created more than one type of list in your document (e.g. one unordered list and one ordered list), and you decided to recreate more than one list
Design a simple, visually pleasant, personal webpage that could serve as your online resume/portfolio, using HTML5, CSS, and Bootstrap. Recommended
Recommended Procedure: 1. Download Bootstrap from 2.Spend some time browsing the Bootstrap site and associated documentation and examples. 4. Choose an example from Bootstrap -started/ #examples and download it. Adjust paths, etc. on your local project folder to ensure that the example works as intended. Test it! 5. Consider using the example as a starting point for your page. 6. Select a Bootstrap template that youd like to use for your site. Suggested sites include: or Once youre happy with the design, start populating your page with contents (text, images, links, videos, buttons, etc.). 7. Test your page after every significant change/addition. 8. Once youve reached a point where your page is complete and fully fun
Part A:
Begin by opening one of your web pages, such as your Home page, from your course folder into either BlueGriffon or Notepad++ . The page you open should be the same one containing the text in your website document.
Using the ordered and/or unordered list tags, create your lists in your HTML page. You can either type the code for the lists by hand in Notepad++, or use BlueGriffon's design mode to paste the bullets in and turn them into a list.
Next, open your CSS file into Notepad++. When it opens, add a style for the type of list(s) you created in your web page. Write the style so that it is the default for all ordered/unordered lists. Give the text a specific font, color, decoration, line size, etc. How many attributes you use is not important.
NOTE: If you had created more than one type of list in your document (e.g. one unordered list and one ordered list), and you decided to recreate more than one list