Read through the Hidden Valley Inn case information, finish parts in "RMIN case project" that highlighted in yellow:
RISK IDENTIFICATION AND VALUATION(identify specific exposures in Hidden Valley Inn based on supporting information, evaluating the risks)
-liability exposure identify of products & advertising section
-Personal- Business Continuation section
RISK TREATMENT( use related the book materials knowledge, analysis application options to treat the risks, think of liability loss control method about products and advertising risks)
-Insurance and Risk Financing-Alternative Risk Financing Options (eg. captive)
-Loss control(liability)-products & advertising section
2. How has the ongoing social construction of race been influenced by mass incarceration and related racial projects at the level of everyday interaction? Discuss: a) Omi and Winants view and on how racial formation is affected by racial projects (use relevant examples they give); b) Wacquants discussion of mass incarceration as a race-making institution that effects the construction of the black race (lecture); c) Western and Pettit on the role of mass incarceration in institutionalizing racial inequality; and d) Pagers research findings on employer attitudes toward job seekers) (Inequality in the 21st Century and lectures).
4. How does gender continue to be significant for social inequality? Discuss: a) Lorbers account of how we continually do gender and the institutionalization of gender inequality; b) Tilesiks study of discrimination against gay men; c) Englands analysis of how female activities are valued and the role of gender essentialism; and d) Ridgeways cla
Review 2 patient records for TIA/Stroke management.
Use the guidance from your readings as well as guidelines from the American College of Cardiologists and the guidelines from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke:
Select 2 patients from your clinical rotation, one with TIA history and one with a history of Stroke, then perform a patient assessment per the above information. Do a written paper to compare your patients to the diagnostic and management metrics in these guidelines.
3 references or above references
The age of each can be between 60 and 70
Perform Fall Risk Assessment on 1 patient.
Using the Centers for Disease Control Fall Risk Assessment Toolkit as part of the STEADI program, perform a Fall Risk Assessment on one patient from your clinical rotation. Please address functional assessment and medication review, using the resources at this site:
3 references
Article 1 (150-200 words): The Melian Dialogue
1) What did you learn?
2) What was important?
3) How does this affect you and/or your country?
Article 2 (150-200 words): The Thucydides Trap: Are the U.S. and China Headed for War?
1) What did you learn?
2) What was important?
3) How does this affect you and/or your country?
Video 1 (150-200 words): Is war between China and the US inevitable? | Graham Allison
1) What did you learn?
2) What was important?
3) How does this affect you and/or your country?
Watch the HBO documentary on Warren Buffett
1) What were 3 keys to financial success for Warren B.? (100 words)
2) Will you use/adopt any or all for your financial future? (100 words)
3) What strengths/ weaknesses do you have in regards to being a successful investor /saver (100 words)
Your Personal Essay should address why you selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor of Pharmacy degree relates to your immediate and long-term professional goals. Describe how your personal, educational, and professional background will help you achieve your goals. The personal essay is an important part of your application for admission and provides you with an opportunity for you to clearly and effectively express your ideas.
Also, your essay should demonstrate what your contributions to pharmacy will be.
Your Personal Essay should address why you selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor of Pharmacy degree relates to your immediate and long-term professional goals. Describe how your personal, educational, and professional background will help you achieve your goals. The personal essay is an important part of your application for admission and provides you with an opportunity for you to clearly and effectively express your ideas.
Also, your essay should demonstrate what your contributions to pharmacy will be.
Assignment 5: Write a letter to your California State Assemblymember or State Senator
1. Identify your State Senator and State Assemblymember (Links to an external site.), and the address and website for their legislative office in Sacramento. Select one of them. (If you are not a California voter, you can still select a representative based on where you currently live in the state).
2. You have two choices for the topic of your letter:
a. Review their website and choose a piece of legislation that they are sponsoring or an issue they are focused upon.
b. Choose another piece of legislation that you feel strongly about and that is currently being addressed in the California State Legislature (Links to an external site.).
3. Write a letter to your member, expressing your views on the issue and what you think should be done. Be sure to reference the specific bill number and title. Be sure to carefully review and edit the letter for clarity,
For these assignments, you will find an article pertaining to California, summarize the article, and then discuss the broader implications of the article. Applying the concepts from the readings will strengthen your analysis and even earn your a bonus point! You can use information from past article summaries if you want to focus on one topic throughout the semester. Each week you will have to use a different media source for the articles. Some weeks it will be your choice and other weeks will be set. My goal for these assignments is encourage you to learn about California politics through the lenses of different publications.
This week: Your Choice it just has to be about California
Tips for success: Many sites now use "pay walls" to prevent people from reading the news articles without subscribing. You can get around these paywalls by opening a second tab or window. These are called incognito tabs or windows and will allow you to look at more articles