

Archive for the ‘Computer science and IT assignments’ Category

Codecademy.com Python 2 Functions Assignment

I will need you to complete a project in the free version of codecademy.com. In codecademy, you will chose Python 2, then Functions, work through the project and submit your completed code from the vacation project you completed in codecademy.


Make sure it is syntactically correct for version 3 of Python (check this with IDLE). Add comments and use the specified
output to check it.
At the top of your program, use single line comments to give your name, class name, date, and the
name of the assignment. (1 point)
Use a multiline comment to give a description of what your program does. (1 point)
Use at least 3 comments at the end of your lines to explain what each line does. (3 points)
Program Elements
1. Your completed hotel_cost function
2. Your completed plane_ride_cost function
3. Your completed rental_car_cost function
4. Your completed trip_cost functi


The assignment and instructions are in the lab 5 ipynb file attached. The test case is included and the needed downloads described are in the lab 4 file attached. It is python 3 code and It can't be a copy of what is on github or other sites, I have those and still am having difficulty doing the assignment

Stacks & Queues( variation of the popular card game SOLITAIRE using stacks and queues)

    Program Code : Java
Deck/Stock - A pile of cards, face down, which are left over after setting up the other layout areas. These are turned over one-at-a-time into the waste. For your program this pile of cards MUST be stored in a STACK.

Waste - The area where the cards from the deck/stock go when they are brought into play. Only cards from the stock can be played to the waste. Only the topmost card can be moved to either the foundation or to the tableau. For your program this pile of cards MUST be stored in a STACK.

Foundations - The aim of the games is to clear the tableau and move all the cards to the foundation. They are built up by suit from Ace(1) to King(13). Assume at the start of the game, the four ACEs are already placed on the foundation. For your program this pile of cards MUST be stored in four separate STACKs (one for each suit). Recommended you use an ARRAY of stacks for this.

Tableaus - This consists of a number of piles where c


The assignment and instructions are in the lab 5 ipynb file attached. The test case is included and the needed downloads described are in the lab 4 file attached. It is python 3 code and It can't be a copy of what is on github or other sites, I have those and still am having difficulty doing the assignment. Any questions or price negotiations should be sent to my email [email protected]

recreate image via opengl(glut)

I need to recreate the image in the "source" photo using only the glut library(no glew or windows.h). i am using linux with ubuntu. i will be using the built in g++ editor to compile the scripts using -lGLU -lglut -lGL -lm. the other attached image shows the type of quality im looking for, no special shaders.

Excel Sudoku/ solve puzzle write summary

This assignment is to solve the Sudoku puzzle that is showing in the attachment using an Excel Spreadsheet.  You will have to research how to set up and get Excel to solve the puzzle for you.  You will write a summary of what you did, how you did it and what your thoughts of the project are.  Was it a learning experience? Did you enjoy it?  Where did you find information on how to set it up? 

Excel Sudoku solve puzzle write summary

Using Excel solve Sudoku puzzle (use numbers attached). Research how to set up and get excel to solve the puzzle for you. Write a summary of what you did, how you did it and what your thoughts of the project are. Was it a learning experience?  Where did you find the information on how to set it up?

If finished on 2/13/2020 by 11:30 $40

Excel Sudoku solve puzzle write summary

Using Excel solve Sudoku puzzle (use numbers attached). Research how to set up and get excel to solve the puzzle for you. Write a summary of what you did, how you did it and what your thoughts of the project are. Was it a learning experience?  Where did you find the information on how to set it up?


Key Topics
Installing Python/Jupyter/IPython on Windows and Mac
Python Basics (variables, strings, simple math, conditional logic, for loops, lists,
tuples, dictionaries, etc)
Using the Pandas library to manipulate data (filtering and sorting data, combining
files, GroupBy, etc)
Plotting data in Python using Matplotlib and Seaborn
Logistic Regression using Scikit-Learn
Classification and Regression Metrics
Decision Trees using Scikit-Learn
Random Forests (Scikit-Learn)
Clustering Algorithms (K-Means, Hierarchical Clustering)
Dimensionality Reduction (Principal Component Analysis)

I normally see some variation of:
a) .ipynb file
b) .ipynb file + powerpoint file
c) .ipynb file + report (I highly discourage writing a report as a blog post is better for an online presence.
d) .ipynb file + blog post
e) .py file
f) .py file + powerpoint file

Written assignment 6

Follow the instructions in Listing 6-2 on page 121 to create and destroy a database. Before you create a new database, you will need a profile (PFILE) named initTest.ora in the directory from which you are running sql*plus (or specify the entire path with the file name). This file contains the single line db_name=TEST. This will create the simplest database possible. You also need to SET ORACLE_SID=TEST at the command prompt, before running SQLPLUS / as sysdba. You will know you started the correct instance if it says, "Connected to an idle instance."  Don't forget to SPOOL c:cis4210M6spool.txt as soon as you sign into sql*plus.
Submit your text document with the file name c:cis4210M6spool.txt .

*I have attached a photo of the instructions in Listing 6-2 on pg 121.