Using CMake:
1. create a subdirectory (under HW3) named Debug: mkdir Debug
2. enter the subdir: cd Debug
3. and generate the makefiles: cmake .. (mind the ..)
To generating a release build environment, just repeat the above steps, but in with a subdirectory
named Release. To compile run (inside the Debug or Release directory): make
Files that need to be implemented is diffuseBrdf.cpp, linear_intersector.cpp, phongBrdf.cpp, and intersectionPoint.cpp where it says "HW3: Implement this"
This program is complicated for me but a professional should be able to figure it out in a couple hours. It is a python program that takes in a FASTA file and finds Open Reading Frames (ORF's. They are started with a three letter code ATG then end with one of three other 3 letter codes, which are given. It needs to find them depending on the frame 0, 1, 2 . Print which frame it's in then the numbers (start)...(stop) and how long they are.
I have data and I would like to create a model that can predict the output. I am using autoregressive moving average (ARMA) but I am unsure of where to begin in Matlab. I probably ought to preprocess the data and then create the model. It would be really useful if I could get a matlab script to help me preprocess the data (feature extraction if necessary) and then create a model using that data. I have attached sample data that may be useful.
Program uses interfaces and abstract classes. Building several mock classes for this assignment. Assignment also utilities UML diagrams that will be used as a reference when building classes and methods. This assignment doesn't need any high level programming. Simple logic and try/catch blocks will work for problem solving.
Implement a "simulated" TLS/SSL Handshake in Python 2.7 using a main method. Decrypt and encrypt files as needed using RSA and other encryption protocols. You may use standard libraries, cryptography, and the openssl libraries- but no other libraries. Manually develop the DIFFIE-HELLMAN algorithm. Use the input files included in the ZIP folder for programming and testing.
Price set to $150 but take a look at the assignment description and determine a fair price. This may be lower, or higher, depending on your coding ability.
See Description Document for FULL details.
At least 20 different commands.
Program must run without errors. And if your program uses other files, such as images, be sure to include them when submit
Program must be an original work. (No copying of codes between students.)
Program must include at least 1 loop (for-next and/or do-loop) and at least 1 decision structure (if-else-end if and/or case select).
Program must involve the user (with input statements, etc.).
Program must include at least 1 of either a function or subroutine written by the student. (See Chapter 7.)
Program must include some sort of graphics. (See Chapter 12, displaying a jpeg. image is also acceptable.)
Must have a list of all commands (as comments) at the beginning of the program. List the type of the commands rather than what the commands are being used for (such as "input", not asking user for their name)
Must have comments throughout the program to describe what your program is doing. It is encouraged to have as much comment
True Basic coding
At least 20 different commands
Program must run without errors. And if your program uses other files, such as images, be sure to include them when submit
Program must be an original work. (No copying of codes between students.)
Program must include at least 1 loop (for-next and/or do-loop) and at least 1 decision structure (if-else-end if and/or case select).
Program must involve the user (with input statements, etc.).
Program must include at least 1 of either a function or subroutine written by the student. (See Chapter 7.)
Program must include some sort of graphics. (See Chapter 12, displaying a jpeg. image is also acceptable.)
Must have a list of all commands (as comments) at the beginning of the program. List the type of the commands rather than what the commands are being used for (such as "input", not asking user for their name)
Must have comments throughout the program to describe what your program is doing. It is encouraged to
To make a multiple choice quiz game (with buttons). This game contains logins for students so student id and password required. The students results from the quiz are put into a leaderboard where the teacher using a teacher login can view the students doing well. It needs to be a level standard so to include databases to store the results etc. Dont worry about the actual questions Ill put them
In so jus put in like one question to test it.
Python Quiz Game
1. The system must allow the user to log in with a valid username and password.
2. The system must make sure every user has signed up before allowing them to log in.
3. The system must be able to display a leaderboard, providing the users current and previous scores (adding them cumulatively)
4. The system must be able to rank users who are tied equally on points by basing it on alphabetical order of the player names.
At least 15 different commands.
Program must run without errors. And if your program uses other files, such as images, be sure to include them when submit
Program must be an original work. (No copying of codes between students.)
Write a few comments about the purpose of your project at the beginning.
Must have a list of all commands (as comments) at the beginning of the program. List the type of the commands rather than what the commands are being used for (such as "input", not asking user for their name)
All in Java, this is a java 2 class so nothing to advanced
For this assignment, students will develop a turn-based ghost hunting game with two different levels of ghosts. The key learning objectives for this assignment are: ability to setup and use classes, understanding and using inheritance, use of overloaded constructors.
The overall game concept: You are a ghost hunter character in a game. You are trying to clear the ghosts from a haunted house. As you enter each room, you encounter ghosts that you must battle in order to move on. Once you have battled and destroyed 3 ghosts and the boss ghost, the house is cleared and it is ready for a family to move in.
Since both ghost types share common attributes, you will setup a parent or super class for Ghost with the shared attributes. Then you will create subclasses that differentiate the specific characteristics of the regular or boss ghost.