

Archive for the ‘Engineering’ Category

Any topic (writer’s choice)

chemical engineering 3rd year assignment the lab I need is experiment 1 which is labelled fluidised bed. Deadline is for 7th December. the experiment is explained in the report which, essentially water and air flow levels are increased at set increments shown in the attached zip file labelled ffb-5-10-2020-afternoon with flow rates respectively shown in the file which should display as an excel. The first image should show 3 columns, and at the top of the column from left to right it is 001, meaning 1 of 1 water columns. The middle and right column are labelled 001 and 002 respectively. The picture of the equipment could be used as diagrams in the assignment as they are pictures i she taken. Also, the sizing of the particles inside the columns are shown in image dd486b32 Please bare in mind, this report is only for experiment one in the lab manual not 2,3 or 4. Refer to page 6/7 of the manual to guide in how to write report.

Urban Infrastructure Studies


Please write the research paper according to the topic listed below, feel free to solidify the thesis statement based on what you wrote. **This paper will need mostly academic sources to reference and all other sources can only serve as secondary sources.** I am providing some sources for you to reference in PDF, feel free to use it as references or you can find the ones you will need, sources listed below just serve as an example for you in case you could not find one. Please let me know if there are any problems thanks.


Topic/Thesis: How transit-oriented developments would affect the way Angelenos (Los Angeles People) travel through the city (Los Angeles)?


Can a Car-Centric City Become Transit-Oriented? Evidence From Los Angeles
Schuetz, Jenny, et al. Can a Car-Centric City Become Transit-Oriented? Evidence From Los Angeles. Cityscape, vol. 20, no. 1, 2018, pp. 167190. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/sta

Critique on Brain-computer interface

Neuralink is an excellent topic for this project.
Their aim to create a surgically embedded brain-computer interface is a perfect example to target and critique.
I think its interesting that they pitch the possible health applications or the cognitive benefits of helping humans to keep pace with increasingly powerful AI (it seems to me this is to encourage people to think about the upsides from a user/consumer perspective, ways to empower the individual). But to my mind the bigger picture (and the more dangerous implications) involves designing interfaces with improved/frictionless access to and control over individual users. Why invite a computer, or a company, to have direct access to your brain? Will this circumvent your will or conscious decision making? What will flow in and what will flow out? Will our brains now belong to Neuralink, become an extension of their proprietary software/AI? What happens when we need an update, will we be obliged to service our bodies only throu

Summarization of a summary

there is a summary of an article and I am required to summarize it more by pointing out these:

The points in the summary should include:
1. Establishing importance
2. Background
3. Key concepts (if got any)
4. Research gap
5. Objective
Formal English
200 words max

The summarized article is attached




please select at least 4 of the following items below, including at least 2 about the history of women in architecture and at least 2 about the history of architects of color.

Write up a 2 to 3-page summary identifying your selection from the list below and what you learned from each.  Address the following questions for each:  What information was new to you, what surprised you or even shocked you that you didnt know before? How is this information especially meaningful to you in your current stage of architectural education? Might you see any of these individuals as a potential role model for your own future why or why not?

1) Any of the videos about Paul Revere Williams - a few are listed here but plenty of others to choose from

Paul Revere Williams. USC Architecture. Midnight Hour Studios, Inc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45p9rBdy5nI&fbclid=IwAR3tEWL5VtsxtBAL_pBK

An analysis of the technology acceptance model in understanding consumer product testing laboratory using the Robotic Arm-Based Automation

Introduction - human power / resources problems in testing laboratories
- Skill requirement of testing industry
- Past, current and new trends of industrial robotics arm technology
- Use of Technology Acceptance Model to analyze the barriers in using the robotics arm in testing industry
- Proposed applications of robotics arm in testing laboratory
- Conclusion
- At least 15 Reference journals (in vancouver style)

Bio Sensors In healthcare

the paper should be 7 pages not including cover/references/bibliography and any appendix
paper content:
I. Abstract
An abstract is a fifty to two-hundred-word summary of your paper that appears at the beginning of the paper.
II. Introduction.
Objective (why is your topic worthy of treatment?)
Contribution (what is your particular take on this topic?)
Organization (what specific areas will you explore in each section?)
III. Related work
Descriptive or explanatory paragraphs following the introduction, setting the background or theme. A summary of the contributions of related works.
Analysis and argument paragraphs/sections
All figures should be clearly readable and scaled properly to match the font size used in the text. Figures must include a caption (usually placed below the graphic) that contains the figure number followed by a brief description of what is shown. All figures must be explicitly discussed in the text by referencing t

Looking Backward

Imagine that we are in the future: the year is 2070. Around the world, much attention is focused on the 50 years since the pandemic of 2020. It is also the year you have decided to retire. An architecture student has contacted you as part of their professional practice class to ask you to reflect on the last 50 years. Remembering that you were once in Pro Practice, in about 3000 words you survey the architectural, technological, social, and cultural changes and how they affected your practice.

Your submission for the final can take the form of the transcript of a hypothetical interview, an actual interviewwritten or on video--that you do with a classmate, a single narrative essay, or a short story, similar to The Machine Stops.

While this is clearly speculative, whatever changes, inventions, and innovations you describe should have some grounding in reality. For example, if you think well be in flying cars, be sure to research the state of that technology. Because you wil

Looking backward

Imagine that we are in the future: the year is 2070. Around the world, much attention is focused on the 50 years since the pandemic of 2020. It is also the year you have decided to retire. An architecture student has contacted you as part of their professional practice class to ask you to reflect on the last 50 years. Remembering that you were once in Pro Practice, in about 3000 words you survey the architectural, technological, social, and cultural changes and how they affected your practice.

Your submission for the final can take the form of the transcript of a hypothetical interview, an actual interviewwritten or on video--that you do with a classmate, a single narrative essay, or a short story, similar to The Machine Stops.

While this is clearly speculative, whatever changes, inventions, and innovations you describe should have some grounding in reality. For example, if you think well be in flying cars, be sure to research the state of that technology. Because you wil

Any topic (writer’s choice)

chemical engineering 3rd year assignment
the lab I need is experiment 1 which is labelled fluidised bed. Deadline is for 7th December. the experiment is explained in the report which, essentially water and air flow levels are increased at set increments shown in the attached zip file labelled ffb-5-10-2020-afternoon with flow rates respectively shown in the file which should display as an excel. The b564 image should show 3 columns, and at the top of the column from left to right it is 001, meaning 1 of 1 water columns. The middle and right column are labelled 001 and 002 respectively. The picture of the equipment could be used as diagrams in the assignment as they are pictures i she taken. Also, the sizing of the particles inside the columns are shown in image dd486b32
Please bare in mind, this report is only for experiment one in the lab manual not 2,3 or 4. Refer to page 6/7 of the manual to guide in how to write report.