Define the "Four Pillars" of SMS and how it is applied to risk management. Assess its value within a "proactive and predictive" safety program.
Remember, you must have a title page, 300-word body written in the third person, and at least two references.
do no copy paste/no plagiarism they use turnitin
Topic I have chosen: Using Uber and Lyft may not have been as green as you think
/the environmental effect of the existence of uber/lyft (have to be this topic)
Needs to be familiar with specific architectural terms describing buildings, their walls, windows, etc. Instructions to the essay attached.
The building I chose to write about is originally a gas holder that was turned into luxury apartments near Kings Cross station in London. Websites:
Thank you in advance, and let me know if you have any questions!
Review of the Literature
In this section, students must demonstrate knowledge of the relevant research related to the project. The literature review is not a mere recitation of results of other studies, but a logical and coherent synthesis of results in a thematic manner that supports the project.
Review of the Literature
In this section, students must demonstrate knowledge of the relevant research related to the project. The literature review is not a mere recitation of results of other studies, but a logical and coherent synthesis of results in a thematic manner that supports the project.
at least 5 References SEE PAPER BELOW and continue
AVIATION HUMAN FACTORS CASE STUDY The curriculum tends to focus on the airlines which are only 50% of our flying industry. The topic is the Human factors that contributed to the crash of a Gulfstream IV tail number N121JM on May 31st, 2014, and the subsequent impact on the rest of the industry, specifically the rest of the Gulfstream fleet.
This is a continuation for my report order. There are three files:
1- the presentation template( It contains almost every detail on what you should include in every slide and each slide duration time for presentation)
2- source evaluation presentation( just read to know what to write and include in the third file)
3- the evaluation template (choose the best or the most important source and fill in the information about it based on what did you read in second file)
I will discuss unclear details in chat once you agree to take on the request.
In many of the buildings covered in this class, we have seen recurring ideas about architecture realized in different civilizations and in different times. More specifically, in Lectures 15a and 15b we talked about five ways in which architectural ideas originated and moved throughout history. Here are those five methods with a brief explanation (and in parentheses instructions related to the assignment):
elaboration of basic forms, for instance the development of elemental forms in domestic architecture translated to more ornate but similarly organized temples. (Choose buildings with similar geometrical shapes, and for the second pair of images described below, please provide images that make that geometrical similarity clear.)
transfer of form through material, such as the stylized imitation of wood in later stone construction (For the second pair of images described below, please provide detail images of columns, beams, ceilings, joints, etc. that show the appropriation of
Your paper is called a "Proposal" and it must address the following:
a specific threat to aviation security and
your idea(s) for how to address that threat
This Proposal should be at least 600-800 words (minimum 2 pages).
You need to describe the threat in as clear a manner as possible. You can either (a) identify something new that has not been addressed but that you think is important; or (b) select an existing threat that you will address in a new and unique way.
Your Proposal must include reference(s) to the text or specific assigned readings that relate to your Proposal.
You need to then describe your solution or your idea to address that threat. It could be (a) a way to avoid it, (b) a change in laws or rules that addresses it, (c) new technology that identifies or eliminates it, or (d) something else.
It must include references to resources in support of your proposal. This might be from library resources, journal articles, or other
Watch the linked video and read the attached articles.
Covid-19: is working from home really the new normal? | The Economist
ARTICLE: Pandemics Are Also an Urban Planning Problem.pdf
ARTICLE: (Links to an external site.)
ARTICLE: (Links to an external site.)
ARTICLE: (Links to an external site.)
ARTICLE & VIDEO: (Links to an external site.)
ARTICLE: Covid-19 might not change cities (Uploaded in additional materials)
Your initial posting should address all the questions i