

Archive for the ‘Computer science’ Category

Emerging Technology

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

A. Summarize an organizational need in the case study, including the scope of the need.

B. Propose an emerging technology solution to address the organizational need from the case study. Include an example that classifies this technology as emerging.

C. Explain the steps of the adoption process that you recommend the organization use to integrate the new emerging technology.

1. Describe why each step of the adoption process is necessary and how each step relates to the organization.

D. Describe both a positive and a negative impact that your emerging technology solution could have on the people or current processes in the organization,

Analyze table (for SQL), determine (create) the candidate and primary key fields.

Analyze the proposed project table structure below and determine the candidate and primary key fields. Follow the rules listed in the Elements of a Candidate Key and Elements of a Primary Key sections in Chapter 8. Complete the following steps:
Step 1. Before you can determine the primary keys and candidate keys, you will need to write a series of possible questions (Q&A) about the project table shown below. List your questions and answers, then follow Step 2 below. You may need to make some assumptions (e.g., the purpose of the project table); if so, document them.(write them)
Step 2. For each of the fields in the proposed projects table, list details and assumptions based on the information you collected in Step 1.
Step 3. Based on the information you gathered in Steps 1 and 2, make any necessary changes to the project table structure. Feel free to propose additional tables in order to meet the requirements. Describe the rationale for your assignments of t

Decision support systems and modeling techniques.

This week we are learning about Decision support systems as well as modeling techniques.

Companies across all industries rely on decision support system tools, techniques, and models to help them assess and resolve business questions. Find an application for a decision support system in an area of interest to you. Describe your proposed application and how a DSS system could be used to help. Identify what this DSS system would do, where it would obtain its data, and how it would assist in the decision making process as well as the modeling technique would be utilized. What would be the benefits and drawbacks of such a system?

Cyber Physical Attacks

Search on the Internet for a real-world example of a cyber-physical attack and write one page report summarizing:
(a) the type of the physical system.
(b) the type and purpose of the attack
(c) the resulting damages.
Add the reference(s) to your report.

Business Mitigation Plan

The Smallville client leadership has accepted your risk and threat assessment and has asked you to brief them on how to mitigate against the risks and threats you identified to reduce the probability of occurrence and reduce the impact severity. Write as if to the client.

Review the Gail Industries Case Study.

Write a 3- to 4-page risk mitigation step plan using a Business Memo format.  Include the following:

Control techniques to mitigate the risks and threats you identified in your assessment report from Week 3
Data management practices to ensure the integrity and optimization of databases and intellectual property

Project Planning

Hi, my chosen topic is "A Job Recruitment Website". It's a formal planning eaasy of my final project, 2000 words. The project is aim to help enterprise finds the employees more accurate, employees could find the job he wants more quickly and sth else(you could add&think about it). At the end of the eaasy, will have all process or steps showing how to implement the website(You do not need to do this now, just a outline for you). I wish to have a higher mark fianlly, hope it would be a quality essay.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment Information and Deliverables:

See the assignment description and data files provided below.

Ask your questions about this assignment in the Solo 2 Huddle.  If you have a question about the assignment description document.  Please refer to the part you are asking about by referencing it by line number.

Submit to this link: Paper Adobe Acrobat pdf.  Make sure your last name is at the beginning of the file name, and that the filename includes "solo-2."  Don't exceed the maximum number of pages, which is seven (7), all inclusive.  Be sure to number your pages. You don't need to include a title page/cover sheet, or an executive summary.  See the assignment description for additional information.

You would need the following files for Solo 2.

Project Description: Predict450Solo2ProjectDescription.pdfPreview the document

Respondent Data: stc-cbc-respondents-v3(1).RData

Task Design File: st

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment Information and Deliverables:

See the assignment description and data files provided below.

Ask your questions about this assignment in the Solo 2 Huddle.  If you have a question about the assignment description document.  Please refer to the part you are asking about by referencing it by line number.

Submit to this link: Paper Adobe Acrobat pdf.  Make sure your last name is at the beginning of the file name, and that the filename includes "solo-2."  Don't exceed the maximum number of pages, which is seven (7), all inclusive.  Be sure to number your pages. You don't need to include a title page/cover sheet, or an executive summary.  See the assignment description for additional information.

You would need the following files for Solo 2.

Project Description: Predict450Solo2ProjectDescription.pdfPreview the document

Respondent Data: stc-cbc-respondents-v3(1).RData

Task Design File: st

A Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Neural Network Parameters using Python

"please follow instruction and make sure to update code ( required algorithm)as well"

you should answer the following questions in Research paper with all the details.


1) Follow the  site given above and update code giving on the site and  answer the following.
#1: What problems you are trying to solve?
#2: Why are they important?
#3: What modifications or new work you have done in the code?
    Make sure to provide new work code and details.
    Need at least one new fitness function
    Need at least three new crossover  (Make sure to have at least one crossover which is mask (two crossover combine))
o    Need at least three mutation

#4: Your results ( with old and new result)
    Comparison of result with old solutions

see instructions

Write a 400 word, APA formatted paper with a minimum of 2 sources (of which 1 is a peer reviewed journal article).

Explain and analyze the IDENTIFY Function of the NIST CSF.  How would this be applied in a business setting while implementing the NIST CSF?