

Archive for the ‘Computer science’ Category

Design a lesson using PowerPoint Presentation (or any other program)

The Goal:

1. The student designed lesson which uses modern techniques.

2. To be proficient in the use of computers in teaching as the most important modern technology.

3. To attend lessons and assist his colleagues in preparing lessons using modern technologies.


Prepare an educational unit from a textbook from the sixth grade and above, provided that the program depends on the teaching method (Individualize learning) The 

Program used for

PowerPoint, which can be used to teach a concept in your major. The presentation must include advanced features of PowerPoint such as sound and input Pictures, video clips, etc.


Alignment with the lesson objective: The presentation should be consistent with the topic or the objective of the lesson. Choose the topic or goal of your major and the grade level you intend to teach.

  Length: The width shall be appropriate to the concept and to the chosen

Distributed databases, NOSQL, and Big data

**Must be in IEEE FORMAT and NOT double spaced, please.**

- Using the IEEE template (see link below), write a literature review paper that summarizes
  part 10 of our textbook: "Distributed databases, NOSQL, and Big data"
- Your paper should have a minimum of 4 pages
- The paper has to present at least the following sections
      * Introduction
      * Literature review on distributed databases
      * Literature review in NOSQL databases
      * Literature review on big data
      * Practical applications
              * Include multiple subsections (one for each example)
      * Final remarks and Conclusions
- You should consider other references beyond our textbook
      * Check the syllabus for the textbook reference<

Assess Organizational Readiness

they check papers against blackboard to see if any commonality from other students.  These do not show up in plagiarism checks

Assess Organizational Readiness
Note: The assignments in this course are a series of papers that are based on the same case, which is located in the XanEdu tab in the left-hand menu of your course. The assignments depend on one another. Review the assigned case study and complete this assignment.

Write a 46 page paper in which you:

Analyze how the critical success factors (CSFs) apply to the facts of the case study. Provide examples to support your analysis.
Determine the project benefits, organizational readiness, and risk culture of the company in the case study. Provide justification for your response.
Develop at least three project risk recommendations based on your analysis.
Identify the initial categories of risk (RBS Level 1 and 2) that you see as being present in the case study using the Example Risk Checklist (Figu

Domain 5 Discussion (Identity and Access Management)

The identity and access management domain of CISSP permits perspective into the the roles, access privileges and permissions of users, subjects, and objects in a system. The goal is to establish,  maintain, modify and monitor digital identity, authentication, authorization, accounting and accounting through the access life cycle.

For this week, watch this video (closed captions are available):

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-gKozU6oiw (Links to an external site.)

You can learn more here: https://www.cisa.gov/safecom/icam-resources

Dialogue back and forth at least 4 times on the content, using as many of the topics below as possible in context. Highlight each term in BOLD in your submission.

Your first post may be submitted tonight, but must be submitted no later than Friday 29th. The more terms you use, the more likely your score will be high.





Any topic (writer’s choice)

Review what you completed in Part 1 (last week) and Part 2 of this Investigation Scenario. Create a Final Report for the investigation in the form of a 2-4 page paper (12 point font, double spaced) that includes the following:

    A cover sheet with your name and the name of the case (this does not count as one of the pages)
    Your investigation notes
    The names of anyone arrested and the charges against that individual

Additionally, include an appendix to your report that contains all of your evidence that is separated by letter and organized by type of evidence:

    Appendix A original complaint,
    Appendix B Company XYZs policies,
    Appendix C Company XYZs Authentication log files for May 10 from 8Am to 2PM, etc. 
    Make sure to include all of the evidence, including the original log files you have received in the appendix

Assessment criteria:

Answer the following questions: 1. COBIT is a widely adopted information technology internal controls framework. COBIT is distributed by ISACA. Access ISACAs Web site at http://www.isaca.org/Knowledge-Center/COBIT/Pages/Overview.aspx. What is the pur

Answer the following questions:

1. COBIT is a widely adopted information technology internal controls framework. COBIT is distributed by ISACA.  Access ISACAs Web site at http://www.isaca.org/Knowledge-Center/COBIT/Pages/Overview.aspx. What is the purpose of ISACA?  Why should companies use COBIT? Answer thoroughly.

2. It is know that employees are the weakest link in the information security chain. How can companies deal with problems associated with the weakest link? Answer thoroughly.

3. You have been tasked with developing a business continuity plan for the university. Begin by making a list of all of the tasks that are required to complete the assignment.
You must first begin with a risk assessment and business impact analysis. Write a draft memo to the president of the university explaining the need for a business continuity plan. Be sure to include your recommendations on how you would implement a successful plan. (NOTE: Do not actually send th

Any topic (writer’s choice)


Write a 500 word essay, using the 3 articles that I attached on code and programming. Talk about the following in your essay:

Essay Title: Code in Computer Programming

Section I: Programming Languages

1. What is a high level language and a low level language? What is the difference?

2. What are some characteristics/ key attributes of low level languages that make them beneficial?

3. What are the benefits and challenges of the C language?

4. What are key optimizers that a C compiler performs?

Section II: The History of Code

5. Describe the history of code

6. Describe Babbage and his analytical engine

7. Describe the ENIAC and the EDVAC

8. Describe the "Modern Code Paradigm"

9.  Describe John von Neumann and his contributions

Section III: Metaphors and Code

10. Provide a detailed summary of the article on metaphors and code (should be about 100 words)

Note: Do not

3 page term paper on the topic of Remote Access Policies. You must include a title page and a reference page not included in 4 page count. You must have a minimum of 3-5 outside sources.Your reference page must be written in APA citation style, Arial or T

3 page term paper on the topic of Remote Access Policies. You must include a title page and a reference page not included in 4 page count. You must have a minimum of 3-5 outside sources.Your reference page must be written in APA citation style, Arial or Time New Roman styles, 12-point font. Page margins Top, Bottom, Left Side, and Right Side = 1 inch, with reasonable accommodation being made for special situations. Your paper must be in your own words, representing original work. Paraphrases of others work must include attributions to the authors. Limit quotations to an average of no more than 3-5 lines, and use quotations sparingly. Original work only!

Project 10 – Drafting Security Policies

This week's topic, information security policies, is perhaps the most important topic that a Business major can take from this course.  This is the governance layer that lays the bedrock for your organization's security posture.  Sure, the technical folks are responsible for executing on that policy but this is where the leaders of a business get together, reach agreement, at times do a sanity check on what is enforceable in the organization, and draft the rules that will make sure the organization is secure.

This is not an exercise in putting down whatever "sounds" good in order to check the box and claim that your organization has policies.  It takes a realistic perspective and evaluation on what is needed, what is possible, and what is enforceable.  It is typically better to a have a weak policy that is enforced than to have a strong policy that is ignored.

The resources provided include three articles on approaches to drafting and information secu

Reflections on the Internet Governance Model

In this discussion, discuss the primary governance of the internet (via ICAAN)... formerly (and some would say still) a US-centric leadership model, and discuss what a "fair" model for internet oversight looks like.

In your paper, start by considering the following questions:

Do you think it was a mistake for the U.S. to have relinquished its "ownership" of ICANN?  Why or why not?
Do you think the current model is fair? Why or why not?
Who are the winners in the current model? Who are the losers and what are they losing?
In considering your discussion post, you may reflect on any of the readings in this module (textbook or web articles) or do your own research... in any case, make sure you cite your references!.


CISPA - The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act was introduced by U.S. Representative Michael Rogers (Michigan) with the intent of protecting the United States' internet interests (both governm