Describe the term performance boosters (PB) below and how it relates to a Virtual Teams.
PB1: Provide Coaching and Support
PB2: Gain Team Members Commitment
PB3: Recognize Team Members Contributions
PB4: Hold Team Members Accountable
In terms of Virtual Team, discuss the following accountability information below and provide examples
-Past: What could I have done to prevent the problem? What, if anything, did I do that might possibly have contributed to the problem?
-Present: What can I do NOW to get on track?
-Future: What can I do to prevent this problem from happening again in the future
Code of Conduct Memo: Revision
You are a manager at a call center. The company frowns upon phone calls and texting during work hours. You have looked the other way a few times, but it has started to get out of hand. You need to write a memo reminding everyone that private phone and text message use on company time is viewed as a violation of the companys code of ethics.
Rewrite your earlier Code of Conduct Memo: Draft assignment utilizing the professors feedback on organization, format, tone, and editorial issues. Review the example memo in the textbook before submission.
Ensure the memo is clear and brief.
Choose the language to match the purpose and tone for the situation and audience.
Format the memo accurately and according to the details in the textbook.
Create an effective opening that establishes goodwill without obscuring the message.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and informatio
Q5: How have your identity and personal life experiences affected your career trajectory
Q6: Tell us about how you plan to financially get through this intensive program (12 weeks in class, all day every day, plus job seeking once the course ends.) [Word Limit: 100 words]
Hint: I would attend data science meetups, leverage my linkedin contacts and apply to job openings.
Q7: Where do you see yourself 6 months after the program ends? Are you interested in moving forward with the Adobe internship portion of the Adobe Digital Academy? [Word Limit: 75 words]
Hint: I am interested in moving forward with the Adobe internship portion of the Adobe Digital Academy.
Helpful links:
Part 1
Download the Google Expeditions app on your phone or tablet
Google Play Store:
Apple App Store:
Choose one (1) AR expediton and one (1) VR expedition
Which expeditions did you choose and why?
How did the two expeditions differ? Was one a better experience than the other?
Can you see this as being a replacement for in person class instruction? If not, what needs to be done to make it a replacement?
Part 2
Create your own AR or VR tour!
Full instructions are here:
The content can be anything you'd like.
Tours should be at least 2.5 minutes long and have at least 3 scenes.
Share a link to your tour so the class can try it out.
Did you find this tool easy or hard to use?
Do you see any value in creating AR or VR ex
I am applying at U of Chicago in the computer science program. My activities have revolved around CS with multiple CD courses, summer camps, website development, coding club, hackathon and two summers of internship in Contiq, a Bay area content intelligence startup. I have interest in AI and machine learning.
Here are some additional details re my Contiq experience...
I interned with Contiq, a Silicon Valley based enterprise content intelligence startup, during the last two summers. Contiq uses artificial intelligence to discover and reuse the most impactful PowerPoint and PDF content at the micro level to boost productivity, quality, and impact.
My trepidation of being the only tenth grade intern, with whatever Java and Python skills I carried, in a high velocity startup was quickly dispelled with a warm welcome from the Contiq team. I was assigned a mentor, who patiently walked me through the intricacies of the design thinking, technology concepts such as RESTf
Question 1
Some computer system failures can lead to significant economic problems. For example, there have been numerous cases in which payment processing systems have been compromised and credit card information is stolen. Should the vendors of these systems be held liable for the financial losses when their systems failed? Why?
Question 2
Scenario: You work for a relatively small software development company. The company was hired by a marketing firm to develop a custom software system that will be used for mass data collection and analysis. The system has already been designed and is into the implementation stage. The former project manager left the company and you have recently been assigned to the team to take their place. The purpose of the system is to facilitate targeted marketing by collecting data about consumer's purchasing behavior and connecting it with information about their identifying information, demographics, income, hobbies, interests,
Begin your first half of the plan by focusing on the environmental conditions and coordination mechanisms. Include:
1. roles and responsibilities
2. phases of incident response
3. scenarioprovide an incident response plan in the case of distributed data exfiltration attacks, specifically the case of loss of communications
4. activities, authorities pertaining to roles and responsibilities
5. triggering conditions for actions
6. triggering conditions for closure
7. reports and products throughout the incident response activity
8. tools, techniques, and technologies
9. communications paths and parties involved
10. coordination paths and parties involved
11. external partners and stakeholders, and their place in the coordination and communication paths
Please answer all 3 questions below within 300 words in total, then do the next practical session.
1. Toyota car company has 80 employee and uses MS-Access software to store the information. Some tables of the data are shown in 2 tables shown in the attached image file. How many fields and records are there in these 2 tables? Which ones are the Primary and Foreign Keys? What and how do you create this relationship between these 2 tables?
2. What is ER diagram? How many types of entities in ER diagram, give me example and explain for each. What is the meaning of Calculated/derived attribute in ER diagram (use example for your explanation)? Why ER diagram is important?
3. Please explain about Distributed Database and the use of it (in what situation). Why distributed database is better compared to other configurations. Is there any draw back
Week 3 Readings and Media
Please review the following for this week:
Vic (J.R.) Winkler, Securing the Cloud, Cloud Computer Security Techniques and Tactics, 2011, Chapter 3
Public Cloud Security: Surviving in a Hostile Multitenant Environment
Week 3 ASSIGNMENT: Security Concerns, Risk Issues, and Legal Aspects (2 pages)
Write two pages using this weeks reading and media. APA Format and provide two references at a minimum.
Write two paragraphs (for each answer) in a separate document that you can upload (e.g., Microsoft Word file). Precede each answer with the question and its corresponding num
For this case study response, you need to analyze and study the subject presented below and compose an essay response answering the questions posed. Your writing should concentrate on the development of specific events, issues, or conditions of the subject and their relationships. For this activity, you are being asked to write a complete essay, not just an outline as was done in Module 3.
The topic addresses the disposal of our technology devices and gadgets. To begin, view the following video.