You will be playing the role of a Linux specialist working for Go2Linux, an organization that provides expert help for organizations that are migrating to Linux. As your first major assignment, you'll be working with Faster Computing, a company that is contemplating a major migration to Linux.
On Board with Go2Linux!
You recently completed your degree and have landed your first gig working for Go2Linux. A small but growing company, Go2Linux provides Linux consulting services to clients across the United States and a handful of European countries. Go2Linux is actively recruiting talented Linux administrators, and you're working with some other recent grads.
Your initial task will be to create a proposal for Faster Computing to help its leaders understand the potential benefits to the organization. Faster Computing is also a growing organization, and leadership believes that transitioning to Linux may help reach the company's goals. You'll need to present the company
Standardized Terminology and Language in Informatics is an important part of healthcare. Nurses and healthcare workers need to understand and be able to communicate clearly.
Please select one of the following options and discuss your understanding of the role in healthcare and its potential impact on your practice. integrate evidence to support your discussion from at least one scholarly source.
-Meaningful Use
-Reimbursement from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) payment
This is what the professor says...You should have no more than a paragraph or two per annotation. Your introduction to the annotated should be brief (maybe a paragraph or two) and include your sources of research. I've seen successful AB's that are literally 11 paragraphs (intro and 10 annotations). Another bit of guidance that may help is to make sure you provide relevant analysis points on the annotations. A high level overview of the article won't do that but hitting multiple points that would interest business leader from a security PoV will hit the mark for the full points.
An autonomous car (also known as a driverless car, auto, self-driving car, robotic car) is a vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input. Many such vehicles are being developed, but as of February 2017 automated cars permitted on public roads are not yet fully autonomous. (
Your assignment is to find at least two separate articles about this topic - one for it and one against it. You should discuss both of these papers and argue your thoughts about automated cars. Your position should state whether you believe them to be a good idea or not (for or against). Yous should also speculate on where you think this technology will be in 5 years and 10 years.
This paper must be four to five pages long. Shorter than four pages and I deduct points for lack of depth.
More than five pages and I deduct points for not being able to focus on the topic.
The paper is to be doub
I am applying for computer science for UMASS. I am currently a high school senior and will be graduating next spring. I intern for a IT company as a technical assistant where I learned to troubleshoot hardware, like server, workstation, user laptops etc. I am also learning programming of PYTHON language. I am very good with computers and overall technology.
400 word (maximum) executive summary of the report you have been allocated (25/100 marks).
The executive summary should clarify and justify the high-level aims, the low-level objectives, the overall scope, the key deliverables, and the potential added value of the project
Marking criteria:
Justification of high-level project aims
Description of low-level objectives
Clear specification of the scope of the project
Discussion of the added value
Quality of writing
400 word (maximum) summary of strengths, weaknesses and possible extensions to your project (25/100 marks).
Marking criteria:
Evidence of critical thinking
Well supported discussion of strengths and weaknesses of project
Specification of potential project extensions
Quality of writing
400 word (maximum) high-level summary of the broad field and context in which this project has been carried out (25/100 marks).
Marking criteri
Compare and contrast the differences between AMD and Intel processors for business computing. Why would you chose one over the other? Does it matter?...if so why?
Your paper will be 5-8 full pages and must be supported by a minimum of 5 reputable sources and accompanying citations in APA format and must be submitted via Safe Assign by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the assigned module/week. Please note that your abstract, title page and bibliography are not counted as pages.
Compare and contrast the differences between AMD and Intel processors for business computing. Why would you chose one over the other? Does it matter?...if so why?
Your paper will be 5-8 full pages and must be supported by a minimum of 5 reputable sources and accompanying citations in APA format and must be submitted via Safe Assign by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the assigned module/week. Please note that your abstract, title page and bibliography are not counted as pages.
Find resources online relating to VMware specific networking and storage; and then writing a reflective paper detailing your understanding of VMware specific networking and storage include pros and cons. 50% of the grade on this assignment will be for the amount (and quality) of online links included. - VMware networking & storage eight or more links for each topic (16 or more) this will constitute 50% of this assignment's grade. The other 50% is the quality of your reflection. See the rubric for details.
Write a 400 word, APA formatted paper with a minimum of 2 sources (of which 1 is a peer reviewed journal article).
Explain and analyze the DETECT Function of the NIST CSF. How would this be applied in a business setting while implementing the NIST CSF?