

Writing an Efficient Business Complaint Letter

Writing an Efficient Business Complaint Letter


As the Vice President of Rochester Preferred Travel, you are upset with Premier Promos.


Premier is a catalog company that provides imprinted promotional products for companies. Your travel service was looking for something special to offer in promoting its cruise ship travel packages. Premier offered free samples of its promotional merchandise, under its “No Surprise” policy.


You asked yourself, “What can we lose?” and on January 11, you placed a telephone order for a number of samples. These included:


An insulated lunch sack


A portable power strip in a zippered case


A square-ended barrel bag with fanny pack


A deluxe canvas attaché case


Two colors of garment-dyed sweatshirts


All items were supposed to be free. But it seemed odd to you when they asked for your company’s credit card number. This was because Premier had promised to bill you only if you decided to keep these sample items.


When the items arrived, you were not pleased. You returned them all on January 21. You have a postal receipt showing the return. However, your February credit card statement showed a charge of $258.20 for the sample items. You called Premier in February and spoke to Virginia, who assured you that a credit would be made on your next statement. However, your March statement showed no credit. You called again and received a similar promise. It’s now April and no credit has been made. You realize that this situation is now too complicated for another telephone call, and you decide to write and demand action.


Based on your research and understanding of the scenario, create a document in Microsoft Word that is a draft of a complaint letter. Using search terms such as “writing” AND “business letter” or “complaint letter”, use the South University Online Library to find resources that will help you write the letter.

The complaint letter needs to be addressed to:


Ms. Arletta Sandusky, Customer Services, Premier Promos, 2445 Bermiss Road, Valdosta, GA 31602.


Your letter should include the following elements:  

All the essential parts of a business letter.


The opening and closing of the letter must demonstrate originality.


The letter must have positively phrased content.


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