

Wk: 2 Assignment: Conducting a Literature Review on a Research Problem

One of the early stages in developing a research project is to examine the available literature on your topic of interest and related topics. A literature review is a carefully crafted examination of credible literature relevant to your focus topic. Discovering what others have produced and organizing and synthesizing this information into a coherent picture will allow you to place your own research interests into the larger context. A literature review should not be a mere summary of your articles but instead should relate to how the literature supports your study’s focus.

To prepare for this Assignment, review conduct a literature search for articles related to the “problem” or “phenomenon”. Focus only on full-text scholarly or peer-reviewed articles or doctoral studies/dissertations. Narrow or broaden your results so that you have six (three quantitative and three qualitative) viable scholarly sources –some attached. Be sure to review Section 1.14 Review of the Professional and Academic Literature attached, for further details of literature reviews and their requirements.

Submit a 5-page literature review (comprising of six articles minimum; three quantitative and three qualitative) to include critical analysis and synthesis, as appropriate, related to your specific business problem draft document attached.
• What strategies are businesses/employer sponsor insurance plans taking to mediate cost and respond to the ever-changing regulatory environment and its cost? ” < preference topic create business problem around this topic is possible. 

• “Some leaders in the healthcare industry need strategies to respond to the ever changing regulatory environment 
• What strategies are leaders in the healthcare industry using to respond to the ever changing regulatory environment 
• What strategies are employers taking to respond to the ever-changing regulatory environment and its cost? ”
• In what ways have the healthcare cost and its ever-changing regulatory polices impacted employers office healthcare insurance.
• What strategies are businesses/employer sponsor insurance plans taking to mediate cost and respond to the ever-changing regulatory environment and its cost? ” < preference topic create business problem around this topic is possible. 
• Or something similar in nature. 

Helpful key words to help in search or aid in completing problem
*ObamaCare or Affordable Care Act 
* Employer Sponsored Insurance
*Health Care Coverage and Costs
*strategic changes in the health care industry
*sustainability for an evolving healthcare arena 
*managing changes in healthcare industry


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