Using differentiation, collaborative learning and formative assessment
Using differentiation, collaborative learning and formative assessment in a year 12, IB higher level chemistry classroom
The assignment has three sections:
Section 1: Overview of lesson sequence
Start by selecting a topic which you are planning to teach. Choose a topic and pedagogical approaches that will enable you to apply the theoretical perspectives that you believe should underpin effective teaching and learning. For example, if you would like to use the concept of scaffolding as a means of supporting learning in a structured manner, you will need to choose a topic and teaching approach that has the potential to be enhanced through such scaffolding. Similarly, if you want to demonstrate the importance of theories relating to assessment, you will plan your lesson sequence to include appropriate strategies.
After a brief introduction to your assignment, write an overview of your lesson sequence, including:
• context (e.g. phase, age and background of learners)
• aims and objectives
• subject content
• teaching approaches
• assessment strategies
Include the individual lesson plans in your appendices. There is some flexibility around the length of the lesson sequence, but as a rough guide we would expect between 3 and 5 lesson plans. If you are in any doubt about what would be suitable for this part of the assignment, please discuss this with your tutor.
This section should be 250 words (+/- 10%), and can include numbered or bulleted lists.
Section 2: Rationale for your lesson sequence
It is vital that your lesson sequence reflects the theory and principles explored in Module 3. You could also include relevant theoretical perspectives from Module 2. In this section you should explain the theoretical principles underpinning your lesson sequence. Justify how the different aspects of your proposed sequence of lessons reflect good practice in teaching and learning by drawing on materials in the module, for example, in relation to planning, group work, assessment or differentiation. You should make specific reference to the readings in Module 3 that have influenced your thinking and planning. Use links to your lesson plans in the appendices to support your arguments.
This section should be 750 words (+/- 10%).
Section 3: Critical evaluation of lesson sequence
Critically evaluate your lesson sequence in the light of having taught the lessons. What aspects do you believe were particularly strong in your planning, and why? To what extent were your aims and objectives achieved? What aspects of your planning were you dissatisfied with, and why? What changes would you make to your lesson sequence in order to address these issues?
It is important that this critical evaluation is underpinned by pedagogical theory. Again, significant reference should be made to the readings which you have undertaken during this module, and any other readings which you have found. You do not need to make reference to material from every unit in Module 3 and you might, in this concluding section, make a more in-depth analysis of key areas which have interested or inspired you.
This section should be 2000 words (+/- 10%).It should be around 650 words to critically evaluate each of the sections given
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