

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

Assignment:You will write an argument where you evaluate Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Your paper must be a minimum of 10complete pages-excluding the works cited page-to be acceptable. In this paper, you will incorporate 5secondary sourcesand 20in-text parenthetical citations (documented direct quotes from the secondary and primary sources). For the purpose of this assignment, you will critically evaluate the social and psychological implications attributed to Mr. Hyde. Your research paper will present a tiered evaluation. Your task, then, will be to A)providea detailed analysis of the workin relation to Hyde’s emergence and the indelible injury he exemplifies as a consequence of Dr. Jekyll’s existential crisis.B)argue that Robert Louis Stevenson’stale addresses the consequences attributed to the Victorian society’s adherence of propriety.You will consider two Schools of Criticism-Gender Studies, Psychoanalytic, Marxist, and Deconstruction criticisms-as the manner by which to evaluate the constituted ideology through which the narrators’ perceive and explain what they understand to be reality. You will need to cite from five critical sources in your paper. You may NOT search on the Internet (i.e. Yahoo, Google) for your critical sources. You may draw as many sources from the online databases accessed through the library homepage as you like. The idea is to maintain your idea about the text as your central argument and bring in the voices of the critic as support and discussion of your idea. You want to think of it as a formalized discussion on paper between you and the critics. While you will want to utilize the expertise indicated in the critical sources, remember that ultimately you must prove the validity of your thesis by incorporating direct quotes from the text. You will use the following databases to find viable secondary source articles: JSTOR, Academic Search Complete, Project Muse, Literature Reference Center, and Literature Resource Center.



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