

  • Essay
  • January 7th, 2014

Status of Iranian Women During the Pahlavi Dynasty (1925-1979) Custom Paper

For this research paper, please discuss the status of Iranian women before the Islamic revolution of 1979; specifically focusing on their status during the Pahlavi Dynasty (Meaning ONLY the period between 1925-1979).

Additionally, this means that you are to discuss their role and status during the reign of both Reza Shah, and later, the status of Iranian women during the reign/rule of his son, Mohammed Reza Shah (these two rulers make up the Pahlavi dynasty).

For Mohammed Reza Shah (who effected the status of Iranian women more than his father) please discuss both the period of his "reign" (from 1941-1953) and the period of his "absolute rule" (from 1953-1979) and how the status of women was different during these two periods. (You will find this information in the documents i will provide and in the additional sources you will use)

This research paper should NOT be descriptive but rather it should be ANALYTICAL (analyzing the status of Iranian women between 1925-1979, and looking/analyzing the reasons why their status shifted during that time).

I will be attaching to this order 2 documents.

One is a presentation I had prepared about this topic. When writing this research paper, I would kindly like you to organize the paper according to the information provided in the presentation, discussing in the research paper EVERYTHING (every point) that is mentioned in the presentation itself. The presentation should basically serve as an outline of how I would kindly like the paper to be structured.

The second document I will attach to this order is a source/reference I would kindly REQUIRE you to use as one of the 5 sources for this research paper. The presentation I will attach is based mostly on this source, so I believe you will find it very useful.

For the other 4 sources, please avoid using ".com" websites. Only use scholarly sources found in academic journals such as JSTOR, EBSCO and others. Or you could also use academic books. In the last slide of the presentation i will be attaching to this order, you will also find some additional sources that you could possibly use if you wish to do so.

For each and every source you use in the paper (when you paraphrase it, etc.) please cite it IN-TEXT. This means that in brackets, you must mention the authors last name and the year of publication of the source you used.

For example, when you use information from the document I will provide, you would in-text cite the document as follows – (Vatandoust, 1985) (the authors last name, year of publication).

Again, the majority of the information that is in the presentation I used from the source i will provide, so please make sure to cite it correctly. Also, please make sure you in-text cite ALL the sources you will use EXCESSIVELY, not just in a few places or here and there, but in every paragraph at least 3 in-text citations.

In addition, please DO NOT directly quote any of the source, I would prefer if you paraphrase them and then in-text cite.

Furthermore, other than in-text citations, a Work Cited page is also REQUIRED, listing all of the 5 sources you will use.

As I constantly use your services, I would kindly request that there be no grammatical errors or linguistic errors; specifically since i will opt for a top 10 writer and that the paper be revised by an editor.

Again, for the paper, please use the presentation i will provide as an EXACT format of how i would kindly like the paper to be structured.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me at anytime. I would also appreciate if you could send me order updates; as I opted for a premium quality paper which offers this service according to your website.


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