

Philosophy paper on Nietzsche’s critique of religion

Philosophy paper on Nietzsche’s critique of religion


Please write a paper, 6 – 8 pages, on one of the following topics:

1) In a draft of a letter from 1882, Nietzsche wrote, “She told me herself that she had no morality – and I thought she had, like myself, a more severe morality than anybody….”. If we take him at his word here, Nietzsche does not reject morality outright. What do you think his “more severe morality” might be? With reference to Beyond Good and Evil, explain Nietzsche’s project in light of this quote.

2) Explore and evaluate Nietzsche’s critique of religion and “herd” morality. What is the origin of Christian values? What sort of effects has the pre-dominance of Christian values had on Western culture? Of what is commitment to such values a symptom? Why is such commitment a “Platonism”?

3) Explore and evaluate Nietzsche’s critique of Christianity as life-denying.


The final result, gentlemen, is that it’s better to do nothing! Conscious inertia is better… I’m lying because I know myself as surely as two times two, that it isn’t really the underground that’s better, but something different, altogether different, something that I long for, but I’ll never be able to find.
-Notes from Underground

Whereas the Underground Man responds to his insight into the significance or indifference of the universe by retreating into inertia and his underground, it seems that Dostoevsky thinks that our earthly situation can be redeemed or justified through faith in a transcendent ideal. Does Dostoevsky propose a satisfactory solution to the human condition? What is the human condition, as the Underground Man articulates it? How does his situation follow from the scientific understanding of the world? Given his insight into the human situation, with what sort of problems is he then confronted? Specifically, what challenges does the scientific approach to the world create for morality? Does life as the Underground Man conceives of it indeed require faith as its supplement and hope? How accurate is the Underground Man’s characterization of our position?
5) (Caution: pulling this off well might be more challenging than it may seem at first.) Imagine Nietzsche were a guest at the party portrayed in Plato’s Symposium. What ensues?
Your primary aim is to explicate the relevant parts of the texts. Be careful to use textual references to support your interpretation: if you attribute some claim to a thinker, you need to give the citation – don’t just assume that your reader already knows that Nietzsche thinks what you say he thinks, for example. Choose pertinent passages from the texts we read and demonstrate how they support your interpretation of the text. In other words, explain the meaning and relevance of any passages you include in your paper. Also, you are required to attach a works cited or bibliography page organized according to some widely accepted format (footnotes or parenthetical references are acceptable). Your TA will not grade your paper if this condition is not fulfilled. Remember: no internet sources, and I discourage the use of secondary sources in general. Focus on the assigned readings. You’ll find more than enough to work with there!

Remember: any substantive and critical claims you make need to be supported by reasons. Any technical terms you employ must be defined. Do not create “straw man” arguments. Before evaluating a thinker’s position, first explore the reasoning behind that position. Explain his or her argument, and try to make that position as compelling as possible before launching your own criticism of it. Evaluating a thinker’s position is not just stating that your opinion is different. Evaluation consists in assessing the reasoning that supports a view.

A couple of final notes: please avoid sexist or gender exclusive language; however, do not use awkward forms like “he/she,” “s/he,” or “their” employed as singular possessive. The paper should be typed in a font similar in size to Arial 10 point (used on this document), and double spaced with margins of reasonable width. The grammar and spelling you use bear relevance to the grade you receive. Your paper is due to your teaching assistant by 3:00PM on December 19. This deadline is an absolute. Late papers will not be accepted. (Should you fall seriously ill, or if there is some other emergency that prevents your finishing your final paper, you will need to request an incomplete in the course.) If you plan ahead, you will have ample time to prepare a paper of very high quality (your papers should not merely be written, but should be crafted), as well as plenty of opportunity to avoid the usual mishaps. (It’s best to just assume in advance that your printer will break the night before the paper is due – plan for this.) Keep a copy of your paper.

This is your last chance to demonstrate what you’re capable of. Make the most of it!!


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