

Native American Cultures of North America Custom Essay

Each student will be required to write two response papers and each response paper should be a two-page, double-spaced essay offering a coherent and thoughtful, but not necessarily formal or conclusive, response to the reading assignment.
In writing your paper, begin with aspects of the reading that you find most interesting or challenging: what observations can you make regarding these aspects of the selected text? Be sure to pay attention to the specific sections or passages in the text that led you to your observations, and draw on these passages for support, either as examples or direct quotations.
Although this is not a formal or highly developed essay, a truly successful response paper will offer an overall argument, an original interpretive assertion of some sort. Unlike a formal essay, your response paper can present an argument at the beginning, at the end, or even in the middle. But it should be there. If you read your completed response paper over and you can’t find a nugget of an argument, do some more thinking and develop your ideas until you come up with one. You might think of this thesis-like nugget as a hypothesis. Consider what your observations are about and what your response suggests about the reading, and present an argument (growing out of your observations and your response) that you think is plausible and/or provocative.
You will need to follow your own inclinations in coming up with a topic or a question to pursue. You will be given online sources to research for each paper and it is completely up to you what you would like to write about and explore. I will only accept one assignment at a time and only on their due dates.
Critical or analytical papers should contain the following elements:
1. Observation – What stood out to you? What interested you? Any intriguing themes? Did something excite or offend you? Use quotations from the text to draw attention to these parts of the text and to illustrate the validity of your observation. Offer quotations from moments where this is clearly the case.
2. Hypothesis – The next step in this process is to consider what your observation or response might mean in context of the work itself.
3. Significance – This is the "and then what" moment. Why should anyone care about what you have noticed or what you are thinking? Push your ideas further!
OBJECTIVES: Response papers are designed to do a number of things. First and foremost, they allow you to test out your ideas about the topical readings of the course before you formalize those ideas in your mid-term or final papers. Second, they help me keep a gauge on your progress in the course. If you are having difficulties understanding the readings, I can identify those difficulties and address them immediately. Finally, the response papers are designed to facilitate the class conversations by asking you to engage fully with the texts we are reading, on your own, before you engage in larger conversations with your colleagues.
An effective response paper begins with a succinct (one or two sentence) statement of your argument. Limit your first paragraph to one or two sentences! For the most part, do not write long introductions to your response papers; you don’t have the space for them.
Every argument, however small, needs support. Following your thesis, you should present one or two specific pieces of evidence from the text(s) you are considering. Such evidence should almost always include a citation from the text, with your analysis of that cited passage, or a very brief paraphrase (one or two sentences) of an idea or argument. In your response papers you should have one or two paragraphs of supporting argument; as a general rule, each paragraph should focus on one idea only, and each idea should be supported by one or two specific pieces of evidence. Do not summarize the reading the response paper is based. Instead, refer briefly to an element of the reading then analyze it.
Think of your papers as a genre that allows you the freedom to experiment with your writing and your ideas of the works we are reading together. Please use this information for all the response papers you will be completing for this class. Response papers are the ideal forum in which you and I can work, in a low-pressure dialogue, on developing the ideas you will flesh out more fully in your longer papers.


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