

Helping Relationships in the Real World paper

The paper should include the following:
please provide a description of what you read (e.g., a brief summary of the reading).
Apply readings from the course to the experience or reading (this is the most important part of the paper!). How did the experience or reading fit or not fit the theories, research, and descriptions from the course readings? You must use at least 5 readings from the course. You may use additional readings from outside the course, but you are not required to do so.
How the experience or reading affects your approach to helping and future plans for engaging in helping relationships

The paper should be approximately 1000-1200 words in length.

Description of Assignment

In this course, students learn about theory, research, and practice of helping relationships. In order to gain an understanding of how course material relates to helping relationships in the real world, students will write about helping relationships based on one of these three experiences: 1) serving as a helper; 2) serving as a helpee; 3) reading an account of a helping relationship.


3)    Reading an account of a helping relationship. Reading options will be posted on GauchoSpace. The experience will entail 50-100 pages of reading.


Each student will write a paper applying the material from the course to the experience (helper, helpee, or reading). The paper should included the following:

      Description of the experience (setting and types of activities and interactions in which you participated or about which your read)

      Apply readings from the course to the experience (this is the most important part of the paper!). How did the experience fit or not fit the theories, research, and descriptions from the course readings? You must use at least 5 readings from the course. You may use additional readings from outside the course, but you are not required to do so.

      How the experience affects your approach to helping and future plans for engaging in helping relationships

The paper should be approximately 1000-1200 words in length.

options for readings:

Yalom, I. D., (1989). Love’s Executioner. Excerpt from Love’s Executioner & Other Tales of Psychotherapy (pp. 15-67). New York: Harper Collins.

You must use at least 5 readings from the course. please see attachments for the readings

please see the grade rubic carefully


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