

Final Project: PowerPoint Presentation of Your Professional Development Plan

You have already identified many resources in your network—in this class and outside the university—and within the wider Walden community. Support is best used when you know what you need; it is hard to get support in building a ladder if you do not know what a ladder looks like.

If you have an idea of what a ladder looks like, you can ask for rungs and nails and a hammer. Think of the resources offered by Walden as the rungs and nails for your ladder, but you are the one who must design the ladder. A PDP allows you to design your ladder and identify which supports you need to build it.

Remember that you must help your classmates and colleagues along the way with their ladders too. Think of what you need to give, as well as what you will need to receive, in terms of support and help.

A PDP explains how you, individually, came to the decision to begin your graduate studies, what you envision for yourself and others when you complete the degree, and what objectives or steps you need to define in order to realize your dream and become your previously envisioned “future self.” You will refer to your PDP when you want to check your progress or re-evaluate your goals. It should be motivating and related to the mission of Walden, your mission, and the community of your colleagues. Remember, we are all in this together.

PowerPoint presentations will be used in many of your courses at Walden. This Assignment will also provide an opportunity for you to become familiar with, or become a more advanced user of, PowerPoint as a communication tool.

NOTE: You are strongly encouraged to submit this Assignment as a PowerPoint presentation, but if you are having difficulty with the software, you may submit it as a Word document with sufficient notes to explain each “slide.” Please feel free to contact your Instructor if you need any support with this Assignment.

To prepare for this Project:

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of your PDP using no more than 6–8 slides.

The PDP should incorporate elements within your specific Program Tab and must address the following:

  1. Where have you been in your life personally and professionally that has brought you to this point?
  2. What is your motivation in choosing this career; why did you choose this profession and aspiration?
  3. How do your personal and professional community factor in to the realization of your aspirations—what support mechanisms do you have in place to help you meet your goals?
  4. What are the things you foresee that might get in the way of your plan, and how will you overcome them as well as help others overcome theirs?
  5. Share about your future self. Where do you want to go professionally, and how will you leverage your Walden experience to become this person? What is the best advice you would give yourself now from the point of success when you finish?

Make use of the Notes section within PowerPoint to provide the details of your presentation.

Your presentation should be explicit in its detail about what you plan to do at Walden to meet your personal and professional goals.



Study Notes
Creating PowerPoint Presentations 

1. BeginwithatitleslidefollowedbyanIntroduction. 2. Chooseabackgroundthat: 

  •   Is not too graphically busy
  •   Is a contrasting color to your text
    3. Usetextthat
  •   Is in a clear font like Calibri or Arial
  •   Is a sufficient font size (14 point or higher)
  •   Is consistent (no more than 2 different fonts per slide)
  1. A general rule for PowerPoint slides is to only have main points listed on the slide, or about 5 lines with 5 words per line.
  2. UsePowerPoint’sNotessectiontoelaborateoneachslide’sbriefpoints.Keeping the slide text minimal draws attention to the key ideas so that you don’t overwhelm your audience or repeat information.
  3. Presentonemainideaoneachslide.Endwithaconclusionslide.Forthis Assignment, references are not required, but if you do cite information, you can do this in the Speaker’s Notes. The final slide would be the reference slide.
  4. Pictures and graphics are fine. If you download these from the Internet, be aware of copyright laws. Be creative. Have fun! 


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