

Common Errors That Students Make In Writing Their Master’s Thesis

If many students were asked their opinion on how their graduate courses should be structured they would skip the bit where they have to write their masters thesis. There several reasons why students dread writing their thesis which range from getting poor advise or no advise at all from your advisor. There could be information gaps as well that make students not perform as expected to graduate top of their class. This can all be attributed greatly by common mistakes that students make in writing their thesis. We will look at each mistake and how students can avoid these errors to graduate top of their class.

Common mistakes that students make in writing their thesis

  • Choosing a difficult topic that sound good but which the student has no interest in-Many graduate students make the mistake of choosing difficult and very good topics that have the wow factor. However when it comes to the actual work they discover the topic is too difficult to handle since it’s an area they have no interest. It is advisable and of utmost importance that you chose a topic you have an interest in and you can easily research and complete.
  • The last minute can save a man’s life as the wise saying goes however students make a grave mistake of rushing through their master’s thesis at the last minute. This not only gives poor results but may cause the student to have to repeat the whole project once again. Take your time to go through your thesis step by step with your advisor as opposed to waiting for the last minute to work on it.
  • Limiting your research sources –Students tend to have biases in the information sources that they use which also limits the information they get. You need to use diverse sources of information and also go out of your way to get sources in other languages just to have diverse views.
  • Failure to support your assertions in your thesis-The master’s thesis should not be your opinion but should have proven research ideas. This gives it credibility and weight which assures you of graduating with honors. Take time to research on what others have said about your chosen area of research.
  • Slowing down after approval of your topic. This is a common mistake which students make when writing their master’s thesis. There is usually a lot of energy driven towards ensuring you successfully defend your topic and get approval. Once approval is given then the student slows down in some extreme cases for even two semesters the student has not gone to the field. It is important o stick to the plan and timelines set at the beginning of your project to enable you complete it in good time.
  • Failure to stick to deadlines and your plan. It is important that each student should come up with the plan which they will follow during their thesis. This plan helps you avoid getting derailed and not submitting your work on the set deadlines.
  • Failure to proof read your work-Having worked so hard to research it would be a shame to present poorly written work so every student should strive to go through their final Master’s thesis over and over again.

Your master’s thesis need not be a stressing project and this can be achieved by avoiding the above common errors.






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