

Archive for the ‘High school’ Category

How does the shape of an ice cube affect how quickly it melts?

try to use these resources
Work Cited
Zimmermann, Daniel. Which Ice Cube Shapes Melt Faster? Sciencing, 02 March 2019,
https://sciencing.com/ice-cube-shapes-melt-faster-8566115.html. Accessed 14 December, 2020.
Chidlow, Isaac. How does an Ice Cube Melt?, https://www.j2e.com/st+nicholas+ce+middle+school/csf15/PHS/How+does+an+Ice+Cube+Melt(1)/#:~:text=The%20ice%20cube%20which%20was,melt. Accessed 15 December, 2020.
Senese, Fred. Why can Adding Salt to Ice Water Make the Ice Melt Slower? General Chemistry Online,
https://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/solutions/faq/why-salt-cools-icewater.shtml. Accessed 16 December, 2020.
Gupta, Lipi. How to Calculate the Volume for Ice. Sciencing, 02 September, 2019,
https://sciencing.com/calculate-volume-ice-7851671.html. Accessed 16 December, 2020.
Melting and Freezing. Science Learning Hub, 22 June, 2014,
https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/resources/608-melting-and-freezing. Accessed 16 December, 2020.
Ice Meltin

Is it possible to be a Buddhist in England today?

Introduction : Talk about the expectations , problems and joys associated with modern day living in the UK today.Introduce the question. Is it possible to live in Britain and be a Buddhist at the same time ? Does a person have to completely change their lifestyle to be a Buddhist in Britain or can they adapt their lifestyle ?
Your next paragraphs should look at different aspects of Buddhism. Talk about whether they can 'fit' and indeed help individuals living in a modern world. Can they help us navigate a modern lifestyle or do they clash with it ?
Possible Next paragraph ideas : You could then go on to look at a number of topics That we have covered.
Worship. Shrines ( Where does worship take place?) -
Meditation - How can this help us to navigate modern day worries and stresses ( mindfulness)?
Buddhist ways of life eg monks vs lay buddhists - Can we be  a buddhist in Britain and function in a normal way ? Do adjustments need to be made ? Are these adjustments rea

West Side Story

For this film review, choose a five minute extract from the film to analyze and identify that extract with a timecode (ex. Vertigo, timecode 1:45:23-1:50:23). Include the cultural context of the chosen film text, making reference to relevant research that relates to the selected film and comes from appropriate sources. Some researched history of the film or the films production. How the film connects to other films and genres. And a personal criticism.

Moonrise Kingdom

For this film review, choose a five minute extract from the film to analyze and identify that extract with a timecode (ex. Vertigo, timecode 1:45:23-1:50:23). Include the cultural context of the chosen film text, making reference to relevant research that relates to the selected film and comes from appropriate sources. Some researched history of the film or the films production. How the film connects to other films and genres. And a personal criticism.

how john lewis stood for civil rights using non violence

Dr. King is honored for his work as one of the founders of the modern Civil Rights Movement  and is most often remembered for his I Have a Dream speech in Washington in 1963.  Starting with small-scale protests in the South in the mid-1950s, he built a diverse coalition of  Americans that fought with him for equity and human rights through peaceful protests.
Countless other people of conscience have fought for social justice in the United States  demonstrating a commitment to equity. Please see the second page of this handout for other  notable examples that may inspire you.
Please choose one of the following prompts to guide your essay:
1) Using your own experiences, describe a situation or event that personally affected you, your  friends, your family, your school, or your community. Explain how your own response (or  someone elses response) to this situation followed, or could have followed, Dr. King's  principles and practice of n


the question I need to answer is How and why did the Greek concept of arete transform elitism role into the challenging idea that humans must constantly work towards excellence and virtue? Who was the major influence is on this transition that occurred roughly between 800-350 BCE? What were the last major events that foster these changes?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Students will use Microsoft Word Online through Oneview to write a 5 paragraph argumentative letter perusading a close relative to join your favorite (the assigned) social media application/platform. A-D has Facebook, E-H has Instagram, I-K has LinkedIn, L-P has YouTube and Q-Z has Twitter.

My last name start with an "S" so i have to do Twitter.
I will but an example of how it should be, and and empty word document.

women’s rights

Your goal is to say something unique about the content.  Try not to simply repeat what is in the documents.  I know what they say you want to give your perspective on them, on the context of the time, on how the writers reflect their times, whether what they said had merit, if there are any connections with our own time, etc A Papers feature  - few or no grammatical errors, superior prose, clarity, and highly communicative writing.  Also, these have very insightful comments and analysis that demonstrate original, creative, and/or critical thinking.

Shakespeare’s Hamlet

I need a 3 page essay about Hamlet. I will attach the exact instructions. In those instructions it talks about another passage of text "Shakespeare's Tradgedy" and I will be providing that too, to be read and incorporated in the essay as the instructions call for it.

Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice

I need a 5 page essay about Merchant of Venice. I will attach the exact instructions. In those instructions it talks about another passage of text "What is liberty" and I will be providing that too, to be read and incorporated in the essay as the instructions call for it.