Terrorist Attack against the United States
Select one terrorist attack from the following list and address the elements listed below that are specific to your chosen attack:
- 1983 attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon
- 1993 attack on the World Trade Center
- 1996 Bombing of Khobar Towers
- 1998 attack on U. S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya
- 2000 attack on the USS Cole
- 2009 attack on U. S. Army Post, Ft. Hood
- Describe describe the attack (where, when, what was used to conduct the attack, casualties, injuries, structural damage, etc.)
- Explain why your chosen attack classifies as a terrorist attack
- Identify the group responsible for this attack and analyzes their motives behind the attack, detailing what the group hoped to achieve
- Analyze the United States’ response to this attack (If there was no response provide suggestions for appropriate responses)