

Archive for the ‘Terrorist Attack against the United States’ Category

Terrorist Attack against the United States

Select one terrorist attack from the following list and address the elements listed below that are specific to your chosen attack:
  • 1983 attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon
  • 1993 attack on the World Trade Center
  • 1996 Bombing of Khobar Towers
  • 1998 attack on U. S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya
  • 2000 attack on the USS Cole
  • 2009 attack on U. S. Army Post, Ft. Hood
The essay should include the following elements:
  • Describe describe the attack (where, when, what was used to conduct the attack, casualties, injuries, structural damage, etc.)
  • Explain why your chosen attack classifies as a terrorist attack
  • Identify the group responsible for this attack and analyzes their motives behind the attack, detailing what the group hoped to achieve
  • Analyze the United States’ response to this attack (If there was no response provide suggestions for appropriate responses)