Jazz in 1970s
Final Installment (50 points): Your paper as a whole, should be a study of your choice musicians life, and their relevance to, and impact on the music world. Any parallels you can make that point to connections your musicians has to social issues from their time, especially those we are still struggling with, would be very important to bring up. Here is how you should build your paper:
Title and Name - Don't forget these! They're important!!
Introduction - The paper should begin with an introduction describing the person you chose, why you chose him/her, and stating your specific thesis (in bold print).
Body of Paper - Use your Installment #2 as a guideline and begin by elaborate on the analysis you have already provided. If you follow that format, and continue to elaborate, you will naturally build the body of your paper. The body of the paper will also consist of background research on the music and culture pertaining to your chosen individual.