

Archive for the ‘Mathematics and Statistics’ Category

Summary statistic business economics

please follow the instruction file.
I need a summary for the given chapters in the instruction file with all the formulas to solve eventually calculation.

I basically need a summary of those chapter to study it for my exam.

use please a simple English (not mother language)

the file uploaded are the study guide and the book that we used.
please use only that book as reference.

evaluation paper

Description Formatting Length: 2-3 pages Spacing: Double spaced Margins: 1 inch Font: Times New Roman 12 pt. font Title page: separate title page that is your first page containing your name, Montclair State University, the course name and number, the instructors name (Professor Kaplun), and the due date of the assignment. It should be centered in the middle of the first page and it does not count towards the page count.  Description of Assignment You will have to locate a peer-reviewed journal article that is related to justice in any way and utilizes one of the five statistical techniques covered in this class (Chi-square test of independence, T-tests, ANOVA, correlation, or regression) and evaluate this study. Choose a topic that you are interested in. The evaluation should:  1. Introduce the study a brief description of what you are evaluating 2. Identify the research question(s) for the study 3. Identify any associated hypotheses  4. Identify the data used in the

Applied Data Analysis/ Statistics

You will only be doing number's 5,6, & 8. The data and work to help you complete 5,6, & 8 will be taken from a previous lab (attached) so the info to complete the three questions will be in the answers to previous questions. So all of the data is already calculated and provided and it shouldn't take too long to do. Below are the questions that need to be completed. Please let me know if you have any questions- I am very responsive.

5.) Construct a correlation matrix that shows the correlations between all pairs of quantitative data along with a scatterplot, correlation coefficient, and linear regression model for the two variables. Interpret the slope and y-intercept for the linear regression model.

6.) Construct at least one contingency table (cross tabulation) and graph to describe categorical variables. [Chapter 10]

8.) Identify an opportunity to perform ANOVA.

Reading Discussion: Statistical Reasoning

In this discussion, you will share your thoughts and reactions to the weeks readings by engaging in conversation around a set of prompts. You should discuss at least 2 of the prompts in a meaningful way and contribute at least 3 total posts. You may also discuss any general thoughts or questions about this weeks reading and assignments. As this discussion is intended to be a conversation, try to write posts that respond to others as well as contribute new ideas.

Some general guidelines for online discussion forum netiquette (Links to an external site.) from Peter Connor can be found here. The prompts for this week are as follows:

Other than the examples in the reading, what are some examples of a statistical study that should be retrospective rather than an experiment?
Refer to the Student Course Evaluation Surveys at LBC | Capital video you watched earlier this week (under Should You Believe a Statistical Study?). Based on the 8 guidelines in your reading (Unit 5B) an

Impact Evaluation

Please check the the assignment guideline (attached), and answer questions based on the three modules which i have attached. All answers need to be reflected from the units. Please address them clearly and make sure to cover everything including engaging theories and knowledge from units.


project proposal

Design and data collection methods: What is the data that can be used to accomplish the goal? What is the source of the data? What kind of tests do you propose to be used for data exploration and analysis?
You need to create this. This is describing, SPECIFICALLY, where you will find the data you need for your project. And how will you prepare it? EDA, etc.
    How youll get it
    How youll clean it (keep in mind everything you learned from your coursework and our EDA discussion in class 3.
Implementation methodology and strategies: How will you go about to implement your proposal? Is it an interactive dashboard, a predictive model or both? Describe the methods and strategies that should be used in order to create and implement the interactive dashboard and/or predictive model. Be detailed about statistical tests, graphs, and/or model packages that can be used and how. Create mock-ups of screen shots or use some

Explore mathematicians of the past

Number each question and answer each question.

    Who is Fibonacci? 
    What is the Fibonacci sequence?
    Explain at least 5 examples from nature of the Fibonacci sequence?
    What is special about the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio?
    What part of this assignment was especially meaningful to you?

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dREpRHgkjsg

The answers to this assignment do not need to be long this is coursework, not an essay.

Interest rate risk (Banking coursework )

Calculate ( interest rate risk and Interest Sensitive Ratio and Relative IS GAP ) and calculate  the standard deviation of 2 banks at Saudi Arabia for 5 years on excel sheet
and analysis and explain  the answers on word file (900 word on word for analysis and explain)

Effects of ethical decision making on human behavior

This assessment should be a Microsoft Word (no more than one page) document, in addition to the title page.
Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific support from correctly applied ethical theory. Your submission should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
Your submission should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
Your submission must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
Be sure to include references for any sources used and to cite them using in-text citations where appropriate. Your sources and content should follow current APA citation style. Review the writing resources for APA formatting and citation found in Academic Tools. Additional writing resources can be found within the Academic Success Center.

Your submission should:

Consumer price Index

Please use regression analyze on the excel file by using SAS, and answer the following questions:
a. assumption check
b. Fit linear regression model
c. test multicollinearity problem
d. improve model or test high order/interaction term
e.comparing all models - choose the best
f. interpret the estimate