The critical thinking project/paper (about 2 to 2.5 single-spaced pages or 1200 to 1500 words) is worth 10 points (10 percent of the final grade), should be based exclusively on the assigned material of Topic 5, and should provide a thoughtful explanation of (1) what common motives and goals unite geopolitical Axis 1 countries, (2) what common motives and goals unite geopolitical Axis 2 countries, and (3) what contradictory motives and goals divide the two geopolitical axes. You should first skim/read through the following slides to identify clearly the parties at war in Palestine-Israel (slides 221-223, 285, 294, 319, 332, 335-337, 342-346), the parties at war in Iraq (slides 2-5, 7-26, 41-42, 79-90), the parties at war in Libya (slides 140-144, 149-151, 162-173, 333-334), the parties at war in Syria (slides 176-191 and 275-280, 342-346), and the parties at war in Yemen (slides 22, 172, 289-293, 299, 306, 328-329 ). The thoughtful explanation should somehow reflect the student’s abi
Your assignment is to compare 2 nation-states, both of these must be our case countries (
U.K, Germany, China, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Iran). Your paper should be 10-12 pages long and NO LONGER THAN 12 PAGES. A good answer must include materials from class readings and lectures; you are required to include 2 outside sources as well. The outside sources must be peer reviewed sources. You must properly cite this material using Chicago style (this means including parenthetical references and a bibliography). Failure to properly cite your sources is plagiarism, please use a writing guide for citing sources and your bibliography.
Your paper will be graded on the following criteria:
-You must answer all of the questions and provide reasons for your choices;
-You must demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and ideas we have covered throughout the course;
-You must support your arguments with evidence/examples
Good grammar and spelling will impa
Global 155 Bottom Billion
Paper Assignment 3
Apply concepts from Paul Collier’s Bottom Billion and lecture to make an argument about the challenges of social, political and economic development in Madagascar. Will the recent World Bank grant help Madagascar’s situation? Why or why not?
Questions to consider:
Which of Collier’s “traps” can be applied to Madagascar?
What internal changes would Madagascar need to make?
What kinds of external support would Madagascar need to make progress?
Some possible sources:
UNICEF development plan for Madagascar:
European Commission on Madagascar’s over-all situation:
World Bank: Madagascar: Measuring the Impact of the Political Crisis
World Bank Development Plan
Dear Writer I need my thesis to be improved. I need a better literatre within the thesis and especially within the literatre review. I need more academic related literatre, I need something from classical Internnational Relations schoolars but tihtly related to the topic. Please take a good look at my paper and escpecially literatre review and I epect you to improve it.
Please use the attached word document regarding my ethical dilemma (weapons of mass destruction). For this assignment, write 5 pages, which analyzes three ethical bases (consequentialism/non-consequentialism, Kantian Ethics and Virtue Ethics) that will help in finding a solution to the chosen ethical dilemma.
Remember to use at least 15 peer-reviewed sources overall, cite all sources appropriately, and use the approved APA 6th Edition format.