

Archive for the ‘Philosophy’ Category

ethical theories

Read in Chapter 6 pages 112-113.  Based on that chapter, answer the following questions:
What is Hedonism?(see also page 16 and 17)
How the statement:  pleasure and happiness are not the same is explained.  Based on the reading on page 113, what is the difference between pleasure and happiness?
Find on the internet 3 different definitions of Happiness.  Copy them and comment briefly on them.

Read page 114 115. 
List higher and lower-quality pleasures according to J.S. Mill.
Answer question # 1 on page 116.
Explain Mills observation: It is better to be human dissatisfied that a pig satisfied.

On page 121 read a passage * Promises, justice and rights, then answer question 5 on page 123.
Answer question 7 on page 123.
Read Case 5 page 132:
a) Write a summary of Case 5 (what it is about and what is main point)
b)  Answer question # 5 on page 133. (Before you answer this question, write the definition of Act Ut

Discuss philosophical Taoism, focusing on the Laozi (or the Tao te Ching) and/or Zhuangzi

Write a three page paper on one of the following two topics. Use MLA style, and double space the assignment; add to this a works cited page with at least four sources, preferably not from online sources but from library sources. Part of your grade will be dependent upon your choice of good sources. 1) Discuss Confucianism, focusing on one of the following topics: a) On becoming fully human; b) On education; c) On the ideal political system. These topics are all interrelated so while focusing on one you may still briefly discuss the others. A paper on Confucian view of political philosophy might contrast the Confucian views with Taoist views on that topic. However, be careful not to turn in a paper that is a general comparison of Confucianism and Toaism. That is far too broad for three pages. 2) Discuss philosophical Taoism, focusing on the Laozi (or the Tao te Ching) and/or Zhuangzi. Check the library for sources. Online sources that are acceptable include the following. The encyc

applied ethics. ethics applied in education

7-10 pages/arial 12/double space education understood as a life experience changing process.

Democratic Literacy from John Dewey's Perspective

This thesis is meant to translate John Dewey's ideas of a democratic education into democratic literacy. This should be in line with his educational theory of experience. The relevancy of the topic and its application to our every day life

Aquinas and his ideas about human nature, ethics, and law

Write a paper that engages with Aquinas and his ideas about human nature, ethics, and law. Your paper claim should pertain to the issues raised by the prompt, but do not use a “direct” answer to a prompt question as your paper claim. Which system of law would your prefer: a system of simple laws or a system of complex laws (like we have)? Why?. This paper asks you to compare the functions of law in Aquinas and Confucius. We seem to live in a legal system closer to the one Aquinas envisions than the one Confucius does. Is this a good thing for us as citizens? Why? Consider: Should the law be only comprehensible to experts? In both systems, the law educates citizens; in which one can it actually do so? Can a system of complex laws educate citizens? Does the complexity of our laws reflect the complexity of our world? If so, should we “trade-off” a complex system of law for the benefits of our complex world? Why is this “trade-off” worth it? How could you argue for this “trad

What is the relationship between law and violence in founding the political (e.g. the United States)? How does race (and gender) appear in this founding?

- They are five (5) to seven (7) pages, double-spaced. - They must have a thesis paragraph that indicates clearly what your argument is, and how you will develop that argument. - They must engage at least one of the texts and films substantially from the week. By “substantially” I mean going in depth in your analysis beyond what we do in class, and quoting the text when appropriate. - use evidence, key terms, and an in depth analysis as support instead of as the argument itself. Watch film: stagecoach (1939) by John Ford

Corporate Ethics Policies; Ethics and the Law

https://www.dropbox.com/s/yzpiu1exy3o1900/Sample%20Analysis%20Ethics.docx?dl=0 It is a case analysis.

Argument Analysis – John Stuart Mill

Basically I just need a 2 page paper, of an argument analysis of the last paragraph (Paragraph 7) in the document i'll attach. The instructions for the paper are in bold at the top of the file. However you will find that you may have to use the rest of the documents information as well to construct proper Analysis. Nothing to wordy or crazy. You will find the professor has information/questions in between each brief paragraph to prompt thought. I have highlighted the section that the analysis need to be provided. Thank you in advanced.

Indian and Chinese philosophy

Pls. Use article "A Simple Introduction to the Practice of Ethnography and Guide to Ethnographic Fieldnotes" and my pictures. You need combine their together. YOU SHOUL WRITE ONLY ABOUT MUSEUM RUBIN.(NOT TEMPLE. NOT YOGA CLUB, NOT FILM) As I have already noted, you should always be conscious of the opportunity to record your fieldwork observations, impressions, and experience. So, you%u0432%u0402%u2122ll be jotting things regularly. After the preliminary notes you take on-the-fly, you should work with them further as soon as you can. Remember, you are processing them. They don%u0432%u0402%u2122t do this by themselves. Fieldnote writing is an interactive, iterative process. You go back and work with and through them. Again, it is leading you toward the interpretations that you must make. Be sure to take time to fill in what may present as %u0432%u0402%u045Agaps%u0432%u0402%u045C in your presentation of things in quickly taken notes. At least initially, you are writing for yourself but

Indian and Chinese philosophy