

Archive for the ‘literature’ Category

The Small Business Life Cycle

For the past six weeks, you have explored the behind the scenes process of starting a small business, by analyzing hypothetical scenarios and referencing existing small businesses. You now will consider the small business life cycle for a potential small business. For this Assignment, create an idea for a small business. Next, review the small business life cycle (Chapter 20 in your Entrepreneurial Small Businesstextbook.). With your small business idea in mind, and reflecting on the concepts and best practices you have learned throughout the past six weeks, write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:
  • Briefly describe your small business (i.e. name, industry, goods or services provided, location, size).
  • Explain the strategies you would use to ensure your company is successful at each of the five stages of the small business life cycle.
  • Explain risks and opportunities associated with each of the five stages of the small business l

Evaluating Engaging Learning Experiences

Within your team from the Weeks 4–6 Discussions, choose groups of two or three to share feedback on a series of learning activities from Week 6. Note how well your teammates have applied Fink’s taxonomy, Weimer’s learning-centered teaching, and Barkley’s skill categories to their individual projects. Note how their learning experience engages their chosen audience and fits with their chosen context. Note how their first learning experience relates to their second and third. Review one of your teammates’ series of engaging learning experiences and give constructive feedback, citing ideas from readings throughout the course. Consider whether their chosen strategies will support student engagement and learning and suggests what additional improvements they might make to further address this goal.

By Day 7

Submit your Assignment. Assignment length: 2–3 pages

Define “Realism” as a major art movement during the nineteenth century

Define "Realism" as a major art movement during the nineteenth century. Google images of Courbet, such as “The Stone Breakers” and “Burial at Ornans.” Courbet used to brag that he was known as “the first socialist painter.” Explain how Courbet’s paintings reflect the philosophy of Realism as a response to the Industrial Revolution. word count 800 no refrences apart from stated

Social Change Implication

To prepare for this Discussion, think about how your dissertation has social change implications. Clearly state the social change implications in your dissertation, as well as your abstract Post- provides your definition of social change and the social change implications of your research. Describe your experiences with completing this stage of the process, highlighting any barriers or challenges. You may want to also provide guidance to each other’s posts as well. Post whether you met the goals that you set for yourself in the beginning of the quarter and whether your expectations differed from reality. If you have met your goals, explain how. Provide an effective tip or strategy can you share with your peers to help them complete their dissertations. Identify any specific barriers or challenges that you encountered. Explain how they were resolved. Post what you accomplish this week and post any questions, com

The Heart of Darkness

The Heart of Darkness is one of the great literary criticisms of Imperialism in Africa. Marlow, the main character, is originally fascinated by the possibilities that exploring Africa has to offer a young man seeking his fortune and a name for himself, but he later becomes disillusioned with the process. Discuss why Marlow originally had faith in Imperialism, but then came to regret his participation in it.

Character in Our Town

This final project will require you to gather research material, analyze it, evaluate it, and bring it together to act as support for your writing. All options require strong critical engagement with both the focal primary text(s) and with the required peer reviewed sources. General Requirements for the Project: All submissions must: · use 3 peer reviewed sources in addition to whatever primary texts they discuss (and these sources must be used, actually cited, in the essay, not just listed in the works cited at the end) · be 1000-1500 words long · must be original to this class (no resubmissions from other courses are allowed) · be in MLA format and use MLA style citations (see The APUS Library MLA Guide for MLA formatting models; most of you sources will probably need to use the "Journal Articles" model) BE CAREFUL that you do not create a cut and paste essay of information from your various sources; your ideas are to be the focus of the essay, and the research should only supp

Marx & Engels, The Communist Manifesto

Please write a 500 word essay response to this: Does our society still have classes like the proletariat and the bourgeoisie as described in the Communist Manifesto? If so, does the one still exploit the other? [About 2 pages (500 words), MLA format]

Sentence Tree Diagramming

Draw phrase structure trees for each of the following sentences, indicating each of the categories on the tree (phrase (e.g., NP) and word level (e.g., N)). Use the rules given in the “Ideas, Rules, and Constraints Introduced in this Chapter” section of Chapter Three of Syntax: A Generative Introduction. Be careful that items that modify one another are part of the same constituent. Treat words like can, should, might, was, as instances of the category T (tense).
  • The kangaroo hopped over the truck.
  • I haven’t seen this sentence before.
  • Susan will never sing at weddings.
  • The officer carefully inspected the license.
  • John paid a dollar for a head of lettuce.
  • Teenagers drive rather quickly.
  • The cat put her catnip toy on the plastic mat.
  • The police might plant the drugs in the apartment.
  • Those Olympic hopefuls should practice diligently daily.
  • That annoying faucet wa

Brochure: Design Elements of a Technical Document

The design of a technical document is a very important part of the development process. If a document is poorly designed, it can be distracting to the reader and even cause the content to lose credibility. Create a flyer (or brochure) using the techniques learned in this week's reading assignment. Go to page 293 of Technical Communication to locate “Case 11: Designing a Flyer.”
  • Study the “background” purpose and intended audience (pages 85-87).
  • Review Document 11.1. Important: consider what the best organization might be for this information. Note: This document is only available in the online course. It CANNOT be accessed via the MacMillan website mentioned in the textbook.
  • Create

Cooperative Learning Structures

Read through the information attached on Cooperative Learning structures.  I want this to be something you would use in a future classroom.  When you are coming up with your activities, make sure they are supporting the skill (speaking, listening or writing) you are emphasizing.  please keep the activities in the English Language Arts areas.  If you want to go above and beyond and develop a third activity for some of the structures that are math oriented, you are more than welcome to do so.  The document should include the skill that is emphasized, the structures with directions. That is a total of 9 differentstructures and 18 activities – 2 for each of your 9 structures.