

Archive for the ‘International Affairs/Relations’ Category

Colombias and UN ratification of new peace

Essay about UN ratification of new peace accord in Colombia according to international low It needs to be a multidscipline approach. It should include the legal, international related and security issues. The format of the Paper will be examined on the following. 1. Structure and methodological approach. 2. Analysis and Case analysis Structure that we are currently learning is clear. It needs to include a standard format and style of paper. Introduction: Statement/questions to be raised/introducing the subject. Main: what is analyzed how is described. What is the correlation to the matter and the subject. Answer the why when where with what elements, positioning and clearly describing and defining. The case study should be as updated as possible. They should be properly sourced and referenced at all times. Lessons Learned/Recommendations/Solutions Concluding remarks/personal Statement. References. Remember we need critical thinking. Evaluation on the subject matter. As foresaid the to

International Intervention in Ethnic Conflicts and Civil Wars of the Middle East

Please read the instructions attached. NO outside sources. Use readings only. MLA in text citations. List of readings is attached. Will send readings via email ***

Diabetes in Children in the UAE

Diabetes in Children in the UAE Research paper

diabetes in the United Arab Emirates

Research study- social issue Topic: Diabetes in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) I will attach below my survey, annotated bibliography, power point. Format: the body paragraphs: 1- introduction (statement of the research problem) 2- paragraph 1 (Significance of Research Problem) 3- para.2 (Risk factors) 3- para.3 and 4 or more (Knowledge and attitude of diabetic patients, Awareness of the issue or any topics you want to discuss about diabetes) 4- para.5 (Review of research) 5- para.6(my own data collection methodology, Methods/techniques of data collection) 6- para.7(Presentation of Data/Results, analysis of results) 1-Statement of Research Problem Short paragraph concise and to-the-point summary “In a nutshell” Meant to catch reader’s interest Avoid quotes & technicalities (terms, theories) 2-Significance of Research Problem Why is it important to study this issue? Importance to: (Social) science: scientific community Importance to society as a whole 3-Rivew of

International relations and social media

I have to deliver a semester project for the course 'Global Studies / International Relations'. The project is about how -as many authors suggest- global politics have become increasingly about world of images and influence, rather than geopolitics and power (Jozef Bátora; Craen, 2006: p. 54 cited Peter van Ham, 2002). Moreover, a particular phenomenon that furthers the capacity of communication in global politics is the presence of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram and so forth. I already wrote a project/assignment about it; the professor liked it but he said I had to improve it.This is my last attempt to pass the course/subject. I will upload the project, so you can see it and modify it so it is much better (and updated).

Killer of youth "Car accidents"

An annotated (bibliography) of about 20 academic articles on research conducted on the same or a similar topic as the one you have chosen.(Killer of youth "Car accident") That does not mean it has to be research only conducted in the UAE. Certainly, any research conducted on your topic in the UAE should be included, but similar research conducted elsewhere can also be included to give you ideas of how to conduct such a project and to compare the results. You do not have to read all the 20 articles but you should be able to identify and briefly summarize their relevance based on the abstract, introduction and /or conclusion. You should only include academic articles, not newspaper articles or other non-academic items. (Reasearch paper : Normal fonts, margins, line spaces.) -> Step1: Statement of Research Problem. Short paragraph, concise and to-the-point summary, “In a nutshell”, Meant to catch reader’s interest, Avoid quotes & technicalities (terms, theories). -> Signi

Killer of youth “Car accidents”

An annotated (bibliography) of about 20 academic articles on research conducted on the same or a similar topic as the one you have chosen.(Killer of youth "Car accident") That does not mean it has to be research only conducted in the UAE. Certainly, any research conducted on your topic in the UAE should be included, but similar research conducted elsewhere can also be included to give you ideas of how to conduct such a project and to compare the results. You do not have to read all the 20 articles but you should be able to identify and briefly summarize their relevance based on the abstract, introduction and /or conclusion. You should only include academic articles, not newspaper articles or other non-academic items. (Reasearch paper : Normal fonts, margins, line spaces.) -> Step1: Statement of Research Problem. Short paragraph, concise and to-the-point summary, “In a nutshell”, Meant to catch reader’s interest, Avoid quotes & technicalities (terms, theories). -> Signi

Killer of youth "Car accidents"

An annotated (bibliography) of about 20 academic articles on research conducted on the same or a similar topic as the one you have chosen.(Killer of youth "Car accident") That does not mean it has to be research only conducted in the UAE. Certainly, any research conducted on your topic in the UAE should be included, but similar research conducted elsewhere can also be included to give you ideas of how to conduct such a project and to compare the results. You do not have to read all the 20 articles but you should be able to identify and briefly summarize their relevance based on the abstract, introduction and /or conclusion. You should only include academic articles, not newspaper articles or other non-academic items. (Reasearch paper : Normal fonts, margins, line spaces.) -> Step1: Statement of Research Problem. Short paragraph, concise and to-the-point summary, “In a nutshell”, Meant to catch reader’s interest, Avoid quotes & technicalities (terms, theories). -> Signi

Death and its manifestation in Natural Disasters

Assignment Requirements: International Affairs/Relations   Please create a powerpoint presentation on the Research Paper that you wrote for me and I will upload now. Please include the following in the slides: 2. You will present your argument and research in a passionate manner. You must be able, in your own style to provoke the audience. 3. The audience must know what is your argument. What is your position? Why did you do your research? Why should we care? 4. The audience must have an idea about what your efforts were--the good, the bad, and the ugly and beautiful. Even if your research was just with books, then you must at least be able to say why one book was good or bad. Evaluate your research. 5. You must end your topic with either a solution, a proposal, or an idea of what other types of research must be done.   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

McDonald's in Hong Kong

Assignment Requirements I would like a review to be written on an article that I will upload now. Please write an excellent review of the article.   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/