Discussion Board Topic: If you were the team leader of the group described in the following case study, how would you refocus and remotivate the team toward achieving the improvement goal?
When members were recruited for the improvement project, they were told that the team’s work would be additional to their regular work responsibilities but that they had to treat team activities as a high priority. They were expected to complete team assignments on time and were required to attend meetings. Despite being aware of these clear expectations, by the third week of the project, team members started arriving late to meetings, making excuses for not having completed their assigned tasks, and neglecting to return the leader’s phone calls.
Textbook information: Chapter 7
Spath, Patrice. Introduction to Healthcare Quality Management, 2nd edition. Health Administration Press . 2013. ISBN-13: 978-1-56793-593-6
Discussion Board Topic: Read the description of the wrong-site surgery event in Critical Concept 8.2 and the root causes identified by the team who conducted the RCA. Conduct a literature review and Internet search for risk reduction strategies aimed at preventing wrong-site surgeries. Which of these strategies would help prevent a similar event from occurring at the hospital described in Critical Concept 8.2?
Textbook information: Chapter 8 & 9
Spath, Patrice. Introduction to Healthcare Quality Management, 2nd edition. Health Administration Press . 2013. ISBN-13: 978-1-56793-593-6
Discussion Board Topic: Some healthcare organizations post their quality plan on the web. Search the Internet for quality plans from two different types of healthcare organizations (e.g., hospital, long-term care facility, ambulatory clinic, health plan). You may need to use search terms other than quality management plan, such as performance improvement plan, patient safety plan, or quality plan. Summarize the similarities and differences between the two plans.
Textbook information: Chapter 11
Spath, Patrice. Introduction to Healthcare Quality Management, 2nd edition. Health Administration Press . 2013. ISBN-13: 978-1-56793-593-6
Provide the instructor an overview of your practicum placement. Essay requirements are 2-3 pages, APA format. This essay must include facility information, synopsis of duties performed, and an evaluation of the site preceptor.
Make sure you describe how you can perform HIT competencies with your knowledge and practicum experience.
Facility Information:
Martin Treasure Coast Surgeons
Site perceptor: Laurie Stukel (Office Manager)
The Database Design Proposal assignment consists of several parts which are due in various modules throughout the course. The assignment will also be referred to in some of the other individual assignments within the course. Module 1 discussion focused on data types and their categories and some challenges and strategies of dealing with data. In this Database Design Proposal, you are required to design and develop a database which will be used to compile and report distilled information using clinical health care data. The Proposal Outline is the initial step of this assignment.
Create a short outline of about 250–500 words of the project proposal. In the outline, briefly define and describe the scenario for which the database will be designed, the major problem(s) that the users in the given scenario would solve, and any other additional components of a standard project proposal outline that are needed. Utilize the following outline as a guideline:
1) Title Page
2) Abstract: A su
Format Requirements
Use the following format requirements on all submissions.
Writing Style APA (American Psychological Association)
Note: To find detailed information on APA manuscript style guidelines on the Internet, go to www.apastyle.org.
Margins 1� all sides
Paragraphs The entire document should be double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5" x 11")
Headings Bold
Type Style and Size Times New Roman, 12 point
Software MS Word
Student/Assignment Information
The following information should be on the first page on the top left side of the page in the format provided below. Do not provide a cover sheet (unless the assignment requires one).
Student Name
Student Identification Number
Course Number and Title
Assignment Number and Title
Date of Submission
IBC 604 FINAL (40 possible points)
Choose 4 of the 9 following scenarios (10 points per scenario chosen). For each of the 4 chosen, describe in a short essay (1/2 to 1 page each) how you as the behavioral care provider will ensure patient care needs are met. Include the following information:
•• Brief explanation of the medical condition, include basic pathophysiology, S&S, and biometrics or assessments (explain if they are not necessary).
•• Brief explanation of the behavioral condition or issue, include S&S, and necessary assessments.
•• Interventions the PCP will likely employ for the medical issue.
•• Interventions you (BCP)will employ for the behavioral issue.
•• How you will track progress with the identified medical condition.
•• How you will track progress with the identified behavioral condition.
•• How you will communicate regularly with the PCP and/or medical team to ensure patient is treated appropriately and all needs are met.
•• Wh
Perform a health history on an older adult. Students who do not work in an acute setting may "practice" these skills with a patient, community member, neighbor, friend, colleague, or loved one. (If an older individual is not available, you may choose a younger individual).
Complete a physical examination of the client using the "Individual Health History and Examination Assignment" resource. Use the "Functional Health Pattern Assessment" resource as a guideline to assist you in completing the template.
Document findings of complete physical examination in Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation (SBAR) format. Refer to the sample SBAR Template located on the National Nurse Leadership Council website at https://www.ihs.gov/nnlc/includes/themes/newihstheme/display_objects/documents/resources/SBARTEMPLATE.pdf as a guide.
Document the findings of the physical examination in the assessment worksheet.
Using the "Individual Health History and Examination Assignment" resource, provide th