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Topic of the midterm paper: Professional Code of Conduct
Locate the ?professional code of conduct,? ?professional standards,? or "ethical code" from your own respective online medical, allied health or nursing association. Analyze your professional code from an ethical perspective by identifying 3 to 5 ethical concepts from your readings and weekly discussions that are reflected in your own professional code of conduct (example: The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses has four principle elements of professionalism. Within these elements is the duty to "hold in confidence personal information." This relates to ethical principles of confidentiality that are described in detail throughout Chapter 5 of our text). Feel free to share relevant personal experiences as they relate to your discussion (remember to change names and other patient identifiers).
Include a cover page that contains the title of the paper, your name, course name and date. The manuscript will be double-spa
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This week (week 6) we are going to be reviewing experimental studies. These are the studies we think about when we think about studies that test medications. You know, the ones where one group gets the medication and one group gets a placebo or sugar pill. See if you can find one of these on your topic. If you can't, continue to post up primary studies and show me that you understand what you are reading.
Topic: Vitiligo
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Type of document: Essay Academic Level:High School
Number of Pages: 2 (Double Spaced) Category: Nursing VIP Support: N/A
Language Style: English (U.S.)
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juvenile diabetes advocacy campaign
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Type of document: Essay Academic Level:Undergraduate
Number of Pages: 5 (Single Spaced) Category: Healthcare VIP Support: N/A
Language Style: English (U.K.)
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• Assessment Component 2- The Urban Health Profile
Assessment Component 2 – The Urban Health Profile (1500 words) is due in Week in 17 and carries 20% of the module’s total marks. This will be submitted in the form of a written profile (report) of 1500 words to the Assessment (Undergraduate) Office.
The Urban Health Profile requires you to focus on two aspects: the practical (observation and data collection) and the theoretical (informed by the wider literature) work on the urban health issue chosen for this Assessment. You have to choose a relevant urban health issue, choose a local area (neighbourhood) to carry-out the study, and physically observe and collect data from the area for the Profile. You also have to look for scholarly literature published in relation to this urba
Focus on leadership theories and emotional intelligence. Use the practice profile questions as a framework for reflection on page 46 of the Taylor article. Post your response to the profile on discussion board.
Lets also reflect on the video and your readings and identify what resonated with you.
How have you seen these theories explicated in your practice environments?
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This assignment, builds on my last order #73887221 " Meeting Health Care Needs of Vulnerable populations in the United States
Write a 4-6 page paper (excluding cover sheet and references) that clearly lays out policies that define health care and nursing practice with your selected issue or problem.
Include in your paper:
Executive decisions.
Court decisions.
Regulations that have defined this area of health care delivery and nursing practice, historically and today.
Discuss the legal and ethical considerations that have influenced policy decision making regarding this issue.
Use scholarly sources that address the social, historical, and political context of the research, theories, and methods related to your topic.
Cite a minimum of 10 sources with the majority being peer-reviewed sources. Your reference list should be appropriate to the body of literature available on this topic that has been published in the past five years.
Use APA style and formatting throug
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I made the scenario for my patient. Diagnosis are brain tomour and diabetes.
for the nurinsg care plan the problem is depression due to brain tumor, and emotional support and the other one is weight loss due to loss of appetite and the last problem is increase blood glucose.. using this three problem make the care plan please... I will up load the sample.,,, thanks, I want nurse to do my assignemnt... and it is due one saturday.. thanks.. I want you to follow the sample that I will send you,.,, chart form...
Resource: Week Four Student Roadmap
Identify a health care organization that must make a decision.
Identify what decision must be made and whether or not to pursue a course of action given the likelihood of different outcomes.
Locate data and apply probability concepts, such as confidence intervals, point estimates, or Poisson distribution, to recommend a decision.
Refer to the Student Roadmap for an example.
Write a paper :
Include appropriate probability concepts and your application of them to find resulting data to limit the uncertainty in this decision.
Include a rationale for the chosen concept.
Identify each discrete outcome from your statistical analysis, providing rationale for each.
Identify tradeoffs between accuracy and precision required by various probability concepts and the effect on your data.
Include the decision you recommend based on statistical data.
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Capstone Project
The purpose of the Capstone Project is for you to show your understanding of the course materials and your ability to communicate at the college level. For your capstone project, you will be performing research on a real-life healthcare organization. Drawing upon your learning in previous courses, you will be asked to analyze various facets and provide a detailed picture of the organization.
As you compile the information, consider what value each process adds to the company and how quality improvements might improve outcomes.
Compose your report using Standard American English as described in the APA guidelines available at Kaplan University Writing Center. You need to follow formal APA formatting for the project to include title page and reference page. Make sure you cite your reference in the text and on the reference page using proper APA format.
You will find a Project Rubric used to grade the project in the syllabus. There are five sections
Please answer the questions after reading the article. I will upload the article.
Retrieve the following full text article from the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, or a similar research database: Thomas, L. (2009). Effective dyspnea management strategies identified by elders with end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Applied Nursing Research, 22(2), 79-85. Review the article, focusing on the design of the study. Consider the following appraisal questions in your critical review of this article.
1. What is the author's rationale for using a mixed method for the study of this subject?
2. Discuss the link between the purpose of the study and the design?
3. Classify this study with respect to a) the intent of the researcher, b) the type of study, and c) the time dimension of the study.
4. What characteristics did this study possess that were quantitative in nature?
5. What characteristics did this study possess that were qualitative in nature?