What is an example of an educational program used in institutional and community corrections? How do educational and treatment programs impact the success of rehabilitation? What would happen to rehabilitation efforts and success if these programs were limited, or not available? Explain..
Assignment Requirements
Follow the request in the attached file
Request for the essay:
üFocus on the State government policy about the topic in Education, for example if you choose “charter school education in US” , focus on what the state government policy.
üOutline ( have to follow the outline) :
- What is the issue?
- What is the background (history) of the issue?
- What is the problem?
- Main part and Core of the essay: What are the solutions of State Government , and what are the effects of thesesolutions? What are the trade offs of each solution ? Focus on What is the state government legislation? What are the effects of those acts?
- Core of the essay too: What are some potential state Government policy recommendations regarding this issue?
Assignment Requirements
Explain and discuss the purpose, usages, and effects of title I in the new York public schools. Include a brief treatment of schools in need of improvement (S.I.N.I.) and Schools Under Review and restructuring (S.U.R.R.. Inclusive of school budgeting- using title I. APA bibliography
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Assignment Requirements
•Analyze the interview question responses that are added as an attachment to this order using NVivo and your developed interview questions and responses.
•Summarize the results of the open, axial, and selective coding (data analysis).
-In addition, explain crystallization, triangulation, and thematic generation, and how these are used in answering each research question in qualitative research methodologies (case study, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, or narrative approaches).
In about 750 words, create an analysis report, including the following:
•The details of open, axial, and selective coding data analysis procedures related to interview question responses.
•Direct quotes and in-text reference support for all factual statements.
•Research question answers grounded in a discussion of thematic generation, crystallization, triangulation, or other common qualitative analysis procedures.
Note that your submission should foll
Assignment Requirements
Course Design Portfolio
The context: you are going to teach intermediate level 16-18 year-old students from a range of countries at a four-week intensive general English course in England. Their aim is to improve their spoken and written English as well as their receptive language skills so as to be able to communicate in English with a range of other native or non-native speakers of English. Using this context as the basis for your work on this module, you will complete different stages of the course design process, developing a portfolio of work illustrating your understanding and application of the module content and readings to the design of a course. In total, the portfolio should be between 4000 and 5000 words, plus appendices of your course design products, e.g. needs/environment analysis questionnaires, lists of goals, syllabus overview, example test elements and so on.
The portfolio will consist of the following sections:
1. A description of
Assignment Requirements
Outlines of Research project:
1. Cover page includes:
• The title of the project should be one to two sentences
• Submitted by: your names and numbers
• Supervised by: name of your Instructor
• College of Business Administration, 00000000000000000000000000000
• Date (Month, year)
2. Abstract includes
• Very brief description about the subject or background of the study.
• The source of data and analysis method
• Results
• Conclusions
3. Introduction: it includes
• A brief literature review
• The research problem and objective of the research
• Very brief conclusions
4. Materials and Methods: it includes
• Data (you are free to collect data by questionnaire, internet, journals, books, governmental and private institutes)
• Analysis (writing statistical measures, formulas, and methods which you will use in your research)
5. Results (it is preferred to be presented by tables, graphs, and charts)
6. Conclusions & Recommendat
Assignment Requirements
Develop a wiki-based resource that provides ideas for upgrading curricular elements and making 21st century tools and technologies an integral part of teaching and learning in the classroom. explore resources for upgrading the curriculum and consider how these resources might replace outdated elements in your curriculum and classroom. Use the Internet, this week's readings and media, and other pertinent resources to generate ideas and gather information.
Technology Resources
•What is it and how do I use it?
•Provide a description of a specific technology that supports 21st century skills. Include the basic knowledge and steps necessary to begin using this technology.
•Replacement Ideas
•How might this resource replace outdated elements and/or provide a more engaging and motivating learning experience?
•Provide an explanation of the kinds of outmoded practices this technology might replace.
•What are the documented uses and ben
Assignment Requirements
Policy and Curriculum Assignment Guidelines
You are assessed through ONE assignment of 4000 words.
Either: A critical analysis of an aspect of education policy that has been or is being implemented
Or: A critical analysis of a policy text
You are recommended to conduct your analysis using either a policy cycle model focusing on
different levels of interest and influence of the policy in practice (a Vidovich approach) or a critical
discourse analysis focusing on the text (a Fairclough approach). It is possible to combine the two
approaches but you are advised to proceed with caution if you choose this route. You are
encouraged to find an original perspective for your writing.
The topic area for your assignment is restricted to the three policy documents covered in the
module sessions. You are asked to express a first and second preference, but please also state your
pathway (M&L, MSE or SpLD) if applicable so that your choice may be aligned to your c
Assignment Requirements
Writing effective objectives is a critical part of course development. This week, you will practice writing objectives based off of different taxonomies. Complete the following:
Write 1 objective for each of the 6 major categories of the Bloom taxonomy of the cognitive domain.
Write 1 objective for each of the 5 categories of the Krathwohl taxonomy of the affective domain.
Write 1 instructional objective for each of the major categories of either the Simpson or Harrow taxonomy of the psychomotor domain.
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Assignment Requirements
Question 5: What instructional practices are effective for ELLs in writing?
Use the following sources to answer the question
*Grassi & Barker Chapter 15:Strategies for Written Error Correction (
* Peregoy & Boyle Chapter 8:Reading and Literature Instruction for English Learners
Question 6: What instructional practices are effective for teaching ELLs language and content?
Use the following sources to answer the question
* Grassi & Barker Chapter 9:Integrated Content Language Approach
*Peregoy & Boyle Chapter 9 & 10:Reading, Writing and learning in ESL
A special education teacher has convinced a parent of a seven-year old boy with autism to seek medication for her son. At the parent’s urging, the doctor has prescribed two psychotropic medications. Since starting the medication three weeks ago, the student has been coming to school in a “zombie-like state,” often falling asleep for much of the day. You talk to the special educ