

Carnegie Melon

Assignment Requirements


My essay will be about Carnegie Melon in Qatar only, has to be about the one in Doha Qatar because the assignment is based on a local businesses.

For question 3, please only use the reference links provided under the question.

For Question 5, please use this reference:

Please follow the guidelines and and bring back a solid paper with great writing, grammar and avoiding useless information. Keep the assignment to the point.

Purpose of the Assessment


This assessment gives students the opportunity to research and review the elements of the ethics program of international companies and apply their understanding to propose a program for a local employer.

Course Goals


This assessment covers these learning objectives:


LO – 6.0 Ethics Program and Audits

6. 1              Discuss the common elements of a code of conduct / code of ethics.

6.2               Describe the ethics audit process.

6.3               Develop / critique / present a code of conduct / code of ethics.


Project Introduction

The task for this assignment will be to prepare a report to discuss the ethics program for a local or regional organization. The organization must NOT currently have a code of ethics / conduct that is posted on their website. The following organizations are suitable:


Health Care Industry

Travel and Tourism Industry –

Media Industry

Construction Industry

Retail Industry

Education Industry

Banking and Insurance Services

Real Estate Industry


(NOTE: The oil and gas industry CANNOT be used for this assessment.)


Each report will use a different organization. International organizations should NOT be included. To confirm your choice, send an email to your instructor with the name of the local company you will use and a link to the 2 research sources that you will consult.

Research Requirements

For this assessment, you are required to review the ethics code for at least 2 international organizations and incorporate your findings into your report. ONE source must be for your industry and ONE must be for a multinational corporation in any industry. Several useful links have been included for you.


Development of an Ethics Program

The planning report will include the sections shown below. Make sure proper referencing is used.


  1. Ethics Committee (10 marks – at least 2 important points about each question)

Who will be involved in your Ethics Committee and why?How will members be selected for this committee and what will be the length of term for members on the committee? How will you ensure that your committee always has experienced members? What is the role of your committee? What are the ongoing activities of your committee?Based on the questions above, provide information about the Ethics Committee you will set-up.Example: Norfolk Hospital Ethics Committee


  1. Values Statements (5 marks – 1 paragraph)

Explain some of the important values that this company has. Provide a summary of the information on the organization’s website OR use the website to identify some important values on your own.Example: Google


  1. Code of Ethics (5 sections x 5 marks each = 25 marks)
  2. Explain 5 important ethics issues that should be priorities for your committee to deal with. Demonstrate your understanding of the issues we have reviewed in class and give a reason why each of the issues you selected is a priority for your organization. (2.5 marks each)
  3. Using an example as a GUIDELINE, write a code of conduct to match each item discussed in 3a. above. In each code, identify the kinds of behavior that ethical employees in an ethical organization should exhibit and how the behavior will ensure the issue does not occur. (2.5 marks each)

Common Ethics Code Provisions

Roche – Code of Conduct

Global Code of Ethics for Tourism

Nestle – Code of Conduct


NOTE: These sources are meant to provide a framework or guidance for the information you include. DO NOT COPY information from your sources.

Communication of the Ethics Program (5 marks – 1 paragraph)

How will you introduce your program to ensure that your staff understand their responsibilities and are motivated to ensure the ethics of your institution improves? What role does senior management have in the communication of the ethics program? What are THREE important activities that should happen on an annual basis to make sure existing and new employees keep thinking about the organization’s ethics policy in everything they do in their work.


Based on the questions above, provide information about the communication program you will implement.


  1. Ethics Audit – Monitoring and Evaluation of the Results (5 marks x 3 sections = 15 marks)

What goals will you set for your organization about ethics issues? How will you measure your progress? How will you monitor your success and know you are achieving positive results? Give a detailed outline and explanation for 3 different goals.


Provide information about your evaluation program. Apply the model for NIKE AND/OR the “balanced scorecard”method to identify different measurements. Make sure you include details about the goals and measurements and consider putting your information in a table.


  1. Reporting and Whistleblowers (5 marks – 1 paragraph)

What kinds of regular and ad hoc (incident) reporting will happen to monitor the state of ethics in the organization? Give details about your reporting and show how you would encourageand protect whistleblowing behavior in your organization.


  1. Crisis Management (10 marks – 1 paragraph + list)

What potential crisis or risks can you identify based on the nature of your organization and its industry? Describe TWO and identify how you hope to prevent these situations. Secondly, identify a list of important steps for a Crisis Management process that should be followed.

MN 3100 – Ethics

Ethics Program Report – Evaluation Worksheet


General Marking Criteria

  1. The information gives a review of the information outlined for this section.
  2. The information demonstrates the knowledge and ability to apply the business concept and presents information that refers to the research sources.


Ethics Committee (10 marks)

  • All questions are answered in a well-structured paragraph that demonstrates above average understanding of the composition and activities of an effective Ethics Committee.
Values (5 marks)

  • There are 3 – 5 values mentioned and explained in a well structured paragraph that demonstrates above average understanding of the concept of values and ethics.
Code of Ethics (25 marks – 5 issues / 5 statements)

  • There are 5 issues and 5 code of conduct statements presented in an organized and clear manner that demonstrate above average understanding of ethics priorities for a specific industry and code of conduct statements to minimize their effects.
Communication of the Ethics Program (5 marks – 1 to 2 paragraphs)

  • There is a discussion of important elements for an effective communication program that is presented in an organized and clear manner.
Ethics Audit (15 marks – table)

  • There is a table with information about 3 important ethics issues including goals, measurements and monitoring activities.   The information shows above average understanding of the research examples reviewed.
Reporting and Whistleblowers (5 marks – 1 paragraph)

  • There is organized and clear information that discusses the content in the outline and demonstrates above average understanding about the concept of “whistle-blowing”.
Crisis Management (10 marks – 1 paragraph / 1 list)

  • Potential crisis have been explained and there is a relevant list of steps for a crisis management process that is suitable for the organization.
Research Sources (5 marks – 2 research sources)

  • Two research resources that are relevant to your industry have been referenced using proper format..
Marks are DEDUCTED for the following areas:

Information Clarity – The report information is presented in a clear and organized manner with minimal spelling and basic grammar errors.

Report Format – The report includes a cover page, table of contents and page layout details that are presented in a professional manner including page #, page footer and consistent formatting to organize the report information.


TOTAL     ________________ / 80




Student ID’s:  __________________________________________________________________

Planning Report – Evaluation Criteria


For an “A” grade, the report information must show complete understanding of the relevant business concepts in a clear, accurate and professional manner. There must be minimal spelling and grammar errors. Each section will be marked using a 5 point scale according to the details included below.


5 – The student provides ONLY relevant and complete information according to the outline provided and shows their understanding by applying intermediate level business concepts to the situation using their own words. Their analysis demonstrates their ability to think critically about an ethics program. The information is presented clearly, in an organized manner with minimal grammar mistakes.


4 – The student provides mostly relevant information according to the outline and shows their understanding by applying introductory and intermediate level business concepts to the situation using their own words. Their analysis demonstrates some ability to think strategically but they are missing some depth in the explanations that they provide. There are also some errors in their explanations and the information has some problems with clarity, organization and grammar.


3 – The student has only a basic understanding of key conceptsand does not provide complete and detailed information according to the outline provided. They demonstrate only minimal ability to apply the information to relevant examples and have difficulty with the clarity, organization and grammar of their written work.


2 – The student understands a minimum of information and is missing major elements of the information according to the outline provided. They demonstrate minimal ability to apply the information to relevant examples and have a lot of difficulty with the clarity, organization and grammar of their written work.


1 – The student is missing most of the major elements of the information according to the outline and makes many errors in their explanations. They demonstrate no ability to apply the information to relevant examples and have a lot of difficulty with the clarity, organization and grammar of their written work.


0 – No meaningful information is provided in the information presented.



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