IRB process
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) determination at the University, has the goal to assist students in the preparation for transition into the NR 705 course, Project and Practicum II. The IRB is an administrative body established to protect the rights and welfare of the subjects participating in research or project activities conducted under the auspices of the institution with which it is affiliated (Harris, Roussel, Dearman, & Thomas, 2020). For the majority of students in the DNP program, a full IRB review will not be required.
Reflect on the IRB prescreening process by answering the following questions:
Concisely describe the process for the IRB prescreening review at the university. What barriers could you face as you progress through the IRB prescreeningprocess? *I’m doing a case study, so no full IRB is required, but I need to submit the application for the committee review and I need to follow all the steps created to protect human life and rights.
Will you need to gain IRBapproval from your organization? *No (unfortunately I’m doing a case study, no implementation or clinical site) If so, what is the schedule for the organization’s IRB meetings? What is the process you will expect? If you do not need site IRB review, have you arranged to get a letter from your organization that confirms you do not need IRB approval?
What is the purpose of the IRB process, Do you find that it is important?
Use an APA 7 style and a minimum of 350 words. Provide support from scholarly sources. The scholarly source needs to be: 1) evidence-based, 2) scholarly in nature, 3) Sources should be no more than five years old (published within the last 5 years), and 4) an in-text citation. citations and references are included when information is summarized/synthesized and/or direct quotes are used, in which APA style standards apply. Include the Doi or URL link.
Textbooks are not considered scholarly sources.
Wikipedia, Wikis, .com website or blogs should not be use
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