

English as Official Langague: Awareness anthology (eleventh edition): Should English Be the Law? Custom Essay

ASSIGNMENT Please read two essays in Language Awareness anthology (eleventh edition): Should English Be the Law? by King (page 483 ff.) and In Plain English: Lets Make It Official by Krauthammer (page 493 ff.). https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1997/04/should-english-be-the-law/376825/ https://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1200741,00.html The assignment is to write a bias-controlled APA position paper on Official English. Be sure you follow all the conventions of an APA academic research paper. This especially includes, for a position paper, the writing of an informative Introductory Paragraph (IP). Your IP should contain orientation information as necessary to lead your reader into the content of your paper. The IP should also announce the Research Question plus the Sources to be used in the paper. At its end, the IP must posit its Thesis that will preside over the entire development of the paper. As sources for your paper, you must use the King text and the Krauthammer text. You may use any additional text from Language Awarenesss Chapter Fourteen or any other chapter. You must use a minimum of two additional sources beyond King and Krauthammer, however. If you choose to go beyond Language Awareness (such as through Wilson Librarys databases or Google searches), you must treat them on a par with King and Krauthammer. All four sources must be properly introduced and handled in a bias-controlled way. Every source you list on the References page of your paper must be paraphrased, summarized, and/or directly quoted within the text of your paper. All sources must be properly documented both within the paper and on the References page. Make sure that every source you work with in your paper is academically valid, and make sure that I know you understand each of your sources accurately. . Begin with a title page. Devote page two exclusively to the Abstract; only the abstract should appear on page two. Begin the body of your paper at the top of page three with a repeat of the title (and subtitle, if any). Your Review of the Literature section will present paraphrases, summaries, and direct quotations of the essential content of each of your sources. Since this APA paper does not present the design and results of original research or experiments, you will skip both the Methodology and Description sections. Instead, you will move directly to your Analysis and Conclusions section where you will present your analysis of the information and argumentation provided in your sources. You will also present your own conclusions about what your own informed and considered opinion is on the Official-English debate. You will skip the Suggestions section because this paper does not report original research or scientific experiments. Instead, you will move on to the References page. ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS Paper length: Think in terms of 1,500 words. More than 1,500 words is fine; fewer than 1,500 words is not fine. Use this requirement as an indication of the depth to which your thinking and presentation should go and the level of detail you should use. One way to conceptualize this word count is to think of the abstract as between 100-120 words and the Introductory Paragraph (or two) as 100-200 words or so. Devote approximately 200 words to the presentation of each of your four sources; more sources will entail more words. Allow 400-500 words to your analysis and conclusions. Documentation: This paper should include summaries, paraphrases, and/or direct quotations as necessary. There is no minimum number of these items that can be specified for this paper, but there is an expectation that you will demonstrate your ability to perform them successfully. Remember that summaries and paraphrases, not just direct quotations, must be properly documented. Style: APA: Use the APA template. Instructions for preparing your own template are provided to you on the Syllabus button on our Blackboard site. Do not use the template that you can download through Microsoft. Turn in your work on Microsoft Word. Format: Begin your paper with a title page. At the top of page two (the title page is page one), present your Abstracta paragraph between 100-120 words that summarizes the entirety of your paper. At the top of page three, repeat the title of your paper (and subtitle, if any). Beginning one double-space down from the title (or subtitle), write the papers IP. One double-space down from the end of the IP, place the heading Review of the Literature and write that section of the paper. One double-space from the end of that section, write the heading Analysis and Conclusions, and write that section. The last page of this paper should begin at the top of its own page and be headed References, without the quotation marks, of course. List your sources in alphabetical order on this page.


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