

  • Art
  • August 29th, 2017

Exhibition Stage 7

For the last week, you need to submit the completed project. Your only new additions will be an abstract and a conclusion.
A Descriptive Abstract about your Final Project should be around 100 words, single-spaced, 12 pt. Times; include 5 keywords). If you want a critique, post by Wednesday and email the professor.
This abstract may be placed as the front page of your Final Project.
See this important resource: http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/abstracts/
Here is an example of what a professional database listing with abstract looks like: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09528822.2010.517919#inline_frontnotes
This abstract should be placed as the front page of your Final Project. Abstracts are a very important part of academic/scholarly writing, and need special attention, since most everything ends up on the Internet and into databases. Keywords are essential for database searches and can be included within the body of your abstract text. So, choose these words carefully and select what you think will draw people to your work. For this project, include a listing of your keywords (5) at the bottom of your abstract. Citations are usually not included in abstracts as you are simply describing your project. Write in third person, passive tense.
What is this? Go to:http://www.squidoo.com/thesisabstract#module11245752
You will then include Stages 3 (Contextual Analysis/Introduction), 4 (Finalized Curatorial Draft of 6-8 artworks), 5 (Highlighted Artwork, which should be placed where you think it fits best), and a Conclusion (1 or 2 paragraphs) discussing how your exhibition illuminates the topic of the history in the arts and draws logical conclusions from the various stages. Your selected images should be placed after the conclusion, using correct figure numbers and MLA formatting, and finally, your list of works cited, which must include at least 6 scholarly sources (journal articles or e-books) found through the library databases. The text for the final version should be about 10 to 12 pages double-spaced, excluding images and Reference List, depending on how many art works you select. Submit by the end of week 8 into the properly provided area.
You will also include a link to your finalized online presentation in either Prezi, Google Sites, or ArtSteps.


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